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CIS | all galleries >> ::Digital Inspirations:: >> People & Places FX > Irish Greeting
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Irish Greeting


This was the side entrance to a church that was completed in 1816, by Richard Pierse Mahony of Coss Castle Esq.
In memory of his wife Charlotte Mahony who died the same year.
It is now a restaurant and bar.

For a view inside click link below

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Martha Albuquerque27-Feb-2007 17:14
So lovely image and detail of that house. Like the high key effect, voting.
Bonnie 24-Feb-2006 01:37
Oh my, this is very beautiful.
A place that beckons me to spend
many hours wandering around and
reflecting life's mysteries. Not to mention,
that heavenly meal that follows! This is
high quality work, Carol.
Kathy Pedersen23-Feb-2006 04:00
Cis,this is just fantastic! Wonderful Art work!
CIS22-Feb-2006 22:12
Thank you so much Barb, Char and Laine. Lunch everyone???lol

Char, I kept changing my mind while working on it...hope I've remembered most of the steps.
Basically, I started steps for a black & white high-key sketch, (changed my mind) so
put the original colour version (lots of contrast & slightly desaturated colour) below
the top b/w layer. Reduced opacity of top layer revealing a little colour.
Flattened, added a grey mask, then painted areas with the dodge and burn tools...sharpened.
laine8222-Feb-2006 20:31
A beautiful effect, Carol. This place would give you a good feeling just making your way to the door.
Char22-Feb-2006 18:40
What a beautiful effect on this it's so perfect for this scene. What did you do to get it to look like this? Voted twice ;>)
Barb22-Feb-2006 18:31
What a beautiful shot and place. Wouldn`t it be great to go there for lunch!