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Budi Prasetya | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Year 2002 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Year 2002

Rick's and Yoshiko's Birthday
:: Rick's and Yoshiko's Birthday ::
Las Vegas and Hoover Dam
:: Las Vegas and Hoover Dam ::
Vacation in LA and San Diego
:: Vacation in LA and San Diego ::
Victor and Beth's Wedding
:: Victor and Beth's Wedding ::
My friends: Ferlix, Ronny and Ester
:: My friends: Ferlix, Ronny and Ester ::
Okran's Wedding
:: Okran's Wedding ::
Surabaya 2002
:: Surabaya 2002 ::
Skagit Valley Tulip Festival 2002
:: Skagit Valley Tulip Festival 2002 ::
Portland, Sate Nite, and Thanksgiving dinner
:: Portland, Sate Nite, and Thanksgiving dinner ::
HyunJoo's friends in Korea
:: HyunJoo's friends in Korea ::