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Bob Schrempp | profile | all galleries >> Railroading >> Scale Models >> 2008 01 & 02 March Free-mo SLO Barn (SLOB) Setup tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

2008 01 & 02 March Free-mo SLO Barn (SLOB) Setup

On the weekend of 1 and 2 March Free-mo SLO hosted a setup and run at the "SLO Barn". A number of new module from Free-mo SLO and Free-mo LA got their first trial run. A good time was had by all. Some of the pictures are a little "soft" focus (blurry). We had a good turn out with about 160 or 170 feet of modules. There were 41 sections making up 23 modules. New modules or sections out for a test run were:
Watsonville Junction
LA Yard
Robby’s single to double track module
22.5 degree double track bender
2 new section of White Horse

The "SLO Barn” is a 49 foot by 37 foot barn with a concrete floor. It belongs to Tim's family and they let us take it over for the weekend. Tim's dad ran the BBQ on Saturday for us. We had a small feast with tri-tip, beef ribs, pork ribs, potato salad, coleslaw, garlic bread, beans.

In attendance were:

From Free-mo SLO
Tim R., Bob S, Chris P, Phil C., Johathan C., Stan S.

From Free-mo LA
Dan R., Robby F., Donnell W., Martin Y., Bud R.

From Norcal Free-mo
Jere I., Gary G., Chris B., Jesus P.

Others you might see in the pictures:
Charlie B. Morro Bay N scaler
Steve B. Free-mo N
Kevin O. and Rob H. Friends of the SMVRR

Dan R. has some picture in his Picasa Album:

Robby F. has some picture in his P-Base Album:
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2008-02 SLO Barn-D-Bob.jpg
2008-02 SLO Barn-D-Bob.jpg
Tim R. DSC_5562.JPG
Tim R. DSC_5562.JPG
Donnell W. DSC_5563.JPG
Donnell W. DSC_5563.JPG
Chris P. DSC_5564.JPG
Chris P. DSC_5564.JPG
Jesus P. DSC_5565.JPG
Jesus P. DSC_5565.JPG
Dan R. DSC_5567.JPG
Dan R. DSC_5567.JPG
Phil C. DSC_5568.JPG
Phil C. DSC_5568.JPG
Jonathan C. DSC_5569.JPG
Jonathan C. DSC_5569.JPG
Gary G. DSC_5570.JPG
Gary G. DSC_5570.JPG
Stan S. DSC_5572.JPG
Stan S. DSC_5572.JPG
Chris B. DSC_5573.JPG
Chris B. DSC_5573.JPG
Martin Y. DSC_5574.JPG
Martin Y. DSC_5574.JPG
Robby F. DSC_5577.JPG
Robby F. DSC_5577.JPG
Jere I. DSC_5578.JPG
Jere I. DSC_5578.JPG
Shandin Loop DSC_5579.JPG
Shandin Loop DSC_5579.JPG
Shandin Loop and looing into White Horse DSC_5580.JPG
Shandin Loop and looing into White Horse DSC_5580.JPG
Dan and Sara R. DSC_5584.JPG
Dan and Sara R. DSC_5584.JPG
White Horse DSC_5585.JPG
White Horse DSC_5585.JPG
Duplaineville  DSC_5586.JPG
Duplaineville DSC_5586.JPG
White Horse DSC_5587.JPG
White Horse DSC_5587.JPG
Arness DSC_5592.JPG
Arness DSC_5592.JPG
Arness DSC_5593.JPG
Arness DSC_5593.JPG
Hearst DSC_5599.JPG
Hearst DSC_5599.JPG
Shandin Loop DSC_5606-1.JPG
Shandin Loop DSC_5606-1.JPG
Piru DSC_5609.JPG
Piru DSC_5609.JPG
Llano DSC_5610.JPG
Llano DSC_5610.JPG
Arness Junction DSC_5611.JPG
Arness Junction DSC_5611.JPG
LA Yard DSC_5613.JPG
LA Yard DSC_5613.JPG
Robby’s single to double track module DSC_5614.JPG
Robby’s single to double track module DSC_5614.JPG
Bean DSC_5616.JPG
Bean DSC_5616.JPG
Shandin Loop DSC_5617.JPG
Shandin Loop DSC_5617.JPG
White Horse DSC_5620.JPG
White Horse DSC_5620.JPG
LA Yard DSC_5622.JPG
LA Yard DSC_5622.JPG
Areness Junction DSC_5624.JPG
Areness Junction DSC_5624.JPG
Areness Junction DSC_5625.JPG
Areness Junction DSC_5625.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5626.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5626.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5628.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5628.JPG
Duplainville DSC_5630.JPG
Duplainville DSC_5630.JPG
Dexter DSC_5631.JPG
Dexter DSC_5631.JPG
Hearst Underpass DSC_5632.JPG
Hearst Underpass DSC_5632.JPG
Herst DSC_5633.JPG
Herst DSC_5633.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5634.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5634.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5636.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5636.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5637.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5637.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5638.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5638.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5639.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5639.JPG
Hearst DSC_5645.JPG
Hearst DSC_5645.JPG
Hearst DSC_5646.JPG
Hearst DSC_5646.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5647.JPG
Watsonville Junction DSC_5647.JPG
Dexter and Duplainville DSC_5648.JPG
Dexter and Duplainville DSC_5648.JPG
Most of the group DSC_5652.JPG
Most of the group DSC_5652.JPG
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