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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> B >> Blue > Over Hill ... Over Dale... 2010
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04-JAN-2010 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Over Hill ... Over Dale... 2010

the road to my house

Christmas Eve Snow. Followed by Christmas Day Snow. Followed by Three Days After Christmas Snow. Followed by Five Days After Christmas Snow. Followed by Ice. Followed by January 3rd Snow with more Snow expected on Wednesday.

This image is under COPYRIGHT and is protected by US and international copyright laws. The image is NOT for unauthorized reprint, posting on other Web sites, copying in any way, nor any other kind of use without written permission from the artist. Unuthorized use of this image will automatically entitle the copyright artist to financial compensation as determined fair by the artist Elizabeth Bickel. For information concerning use or purchase, contact the artist privately.
Copyright 2010 Elizabeth Bickel. All rights Reserved.

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Paula Krugerud15-Jan-2010 02:13
Love all the patterns here...looks like the road to my house as well. :)
Marcia Colelli06-Jan-2010 01:53
Very nice perspective, looks a little bit like that here. 10 inches so far. V
Walter Otto Koenig05-Jan-2010 23:33
A very nice perspective and lighting in this image. Take care in the snow and ice.
lou_rozensteins05-Jan-2010 23:07
Amazing with all that snow! A great shot.
Ceya05-Jan-2010 17:32
Wonderful perspective, wonderful rhythm, wonderful mood! V
Randy Adams05-Jan-2010 13:48
lol..great shot Liz! V
Mairéad05-Jan-2010 12:19
That sounds like a lot of snow! We get an inch here and the country
grounds to a halt.
Lovely scene BTW
Kilkenny Photographic Society05-Jan-2010 12:17
Edward Dullard.
a beautiful if grim image. bv
LynnH05-Jan-2010 12:16
Wonderful rolling highway. Love your pov, the rows of posts and trees on both sides line up nicely. V
FrankB05-Jan-2010 10:30
beautiful image and light!....V
Patricia Kay05-Jan-2010 03:03
Looks and sounds like us too...not looking forward to Saturdays temperatures of -25 though...great shot Liz...BV
Hank Vander Velde05-Jan-2010 03:00
Sounds like us, snow every day. Nice image Liz.
an nguyen05-Jan-2010 02:59
Lots of
Nice winter scenery.
Guest 05-Jan-2010 02:29
Sounds like fun.......for kids. Nice scene