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Liz Bickel | profile | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> B >> Blue Morpho Butterflies tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Blue Morpho Butterflies

A flashy, iridescent butterfly from tropical Central and South America, the Blue Morpho is often a star of Butterfly exhibits. There are two varieties of Blue Morphos. Both have stunning blue wings; with an attractive red, cream, & yellow on brown, patterned underside. Their eyes are vivid blue. Many photographers claim that Blue Morphos are difficult to capture; especially with their wings open and the beautiful blue color in full display.
Images in this gallery are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. Any and all usage or copying of any of these photographs, without express written permission from the photographer, is prohibited by law. Copyright 2007-2018 Elizabeth Bickel
New Born
New Born
Blue Eyes
Blue Eyes
Blue Morpho in the Sun & Shade
Blue Morpho in the Sun & Shade
Blue Morpho in the Shade
Blue Morpho in the Shade
Special Beauty
Special Beauty
Splendid Beauty
Splendid Beauty
Blue Morpho
Blue Morpho
A Spot of Color
A Spot of Color
Blue Morpho on a Fern
Blue Morpho on a Fern
On my Camera Strap
On my Camera Strap
Photo with a Story
Photo with a Story
Blue Morpho
Blue Morpho
Hitch Hiker
Hitch Hiker
Beautiful Both Sides
Beautiful Both Sides
Blue Beauty
Blue Beauty
Blue Morpho
Blue Morpho
Not Just Blue
Not Just Blue
On My Finger Tips
On My Finger Tips
 Festival of Butterflies
Festival of Butterflies
Peach Nectar
Peach Nectar
Beautiful Color
Beautiful Color
Wings that Glow
Wings that Glow
Full Display
Full Display
Wings Closed
Wings Closed
Almost Stepped On
Almost Stepped On
A Beauty
A Beauty
White Morpho
White Morpho
Blue Morpho
Blue Morpho
Blue Morpho
Blue Morpho
Blue Morpho
Blue Morpho
World Photography Day 2010
World Photography Day 2010