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British Museum

Culture store
Culture store
Pediment detail British Museum
Pediment detail British Museum
Pale Hecate's orb
Pale Hecate's orb
British museum always free
British museum always free
g3/78/700278/3/89561017.r7OMmT5C.jpg  Roman babies feeding bottles
Roman babies feeding bottles
Bathing beauty
Bathing beauty
g3/78/700278/3/89533319.K7twAEXp.jpg g3/78/700278/3/89533314.IT7III2s.jpg g3/78/700278/3/89533310.vVVki8gS.jpg Fertility offering
Fertility offering
g3/78/700278/3/89533303.sCs4rnBh.jpg Man on a stick
Man on a stick
solid gold ring
solid gold ring
Ramesses British Museum
Ramesses British Museum
Funeral portrait
Funeral portrait
Ancient Greek bronze
Ancient Greek bronze
Pre dynastic  figurine of a woman
Pre dynastic figurine of a woman
bound captive
bound captive
Llama? in ancient Egypt!
Llama? in ancient Egypt!
g6/78/700278/3/74152818.ADIwhxhU.jpg g6/78/700278/3/73404261.SOniTybj.jpg
'armless statue  in the library
'armless statue in the library
g6/78/700278/3/73320484.RZHTo9KS.jpg g6/78/700278/3/73344500.DGHBQWZR.jpg
g6/78/700278/3/73320492.A9mHQyIq.jpg Mummified cat
Mummified cat
g6/78/700278/3/73320440.d5MhHuKw.jpg g6/78/700278/3/73404299.FP9jzb0l.jpg
g6/78/700278/3/73317116.GQnnTQgS.jpg Kate Moss and chums?
Kate Moss and chums?
Study and shopping
Study and shopping
Selene horse
Selene horse
g3/78/700278/3/89533134.pDq0kTqM.jpg Contemplation
Lapith and Centaur
Lapith and Centaur
British Museum guarding his marbles
British Museum guarding his marbles
Elgin Marbles Gallery
Elgin Marbles Gallery
Reading room British Museum
Reading room British Museum
Dome Reading Room British Museum
Dome Reading Room British Museum
Easter Island bust British Museum
Easter Island bust British Museum
stairs around reading room
stairs around reading room
Great Court British Museum
Great Court British Museum
Roman horse rider
Roman horse rider
Bareback... and front!
Bareback... and front!
British museum great court
British museum great court
Not a stage set!
Not a stage set!
No idea
No idea
Sculpture  Great Court British Museum
Sculpture Great Court British Museum
Ron Mueck
Ron Mueck
By Ron Mueck
By Ron Mueck
Really is Kate Moss
Really is Kate Moss
Read all  about it
Read all about it
Kate Moss pure gold by Marc Quinn
Kate Moss pure gold by Marc Quinn
Kate Moss pure gold by Marc Quinn
Kate Moss pure gold by Marc Quinn
Wonder what she thinks of it?
Wonder what she thinks of it?
2008 Xmas tree
2008 Xmas tree
My own hand axe!
My own hand axe!
Golden coke pot ?...
Golden coke pot ?...
...and how they used it
...and how they used it
ancient Egyptian alabaster eye liner jar 4k years old
ancient Egyptian alabaster eye liner jar 4k years old
Sumerian votive prayer item
Sumerian votive prayer item
Angel of the North
Angel of the North
Angel of the North
Angel of the North
Who needs photographers ?
Who needs photographers ?