Officina Stellare Maestros |
Vela Supernova Remnant |
Vela Supernova Remnant |
3rd Prize at the 2014 ASA and Sterne und Weltraum Astrophotgraphy Competition |
Officina Stellare Veloce RH 200 - 2014 Flyer Pg.2 |
Officina Stellare Veloce RH 200 - 2014 Flyer Pg.1 |
The Vela Supernova - Wikipedia |
The Vela Supernova - Wikipedia |
Officina Stellare Shining Star Recognition |
NGC5128 Centaurus A |
Centaurus A |
NGC5128 Centaurus A |
The Little Iris |
The Little Iris and friends - in Cygnus - Annotated Version |
The Little Iris |
NASA APOD February 1 2014 |
NGC 6188, NGC 6164-5, NGC 6200 in Ara |
NGC 6188 in Ara - close up view in color |
NGC 6188, NGC 6164-5, NGC 6200 in Ara |
Officina Stellare Shining Star Recognition |
NGC7635 The Bubble Nebula |
NGC7635 The Bubble Nebula |
Ou4 (and SH2 129): A Giant Squid Nebula and a Flying Bat |
Ou4 (and SH2 129): A Giant Squid Nebula and a Flying Bat |
Ou4 (and SH2 129): A Giant Squid Nebula and a Flying Bat |
Ou4 (and SH2 129): A Giant Squid Nebula and a Flying Bat - Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site - 29.12.14 |
Jacob's Ladder - IC4633, IC4635 and IFN in Apus (also Sarah's Nebula) |
Jacob's Ladder - IC4633, IC4635 and IFN in Apus (also Sarah's Nebula) - Annotated Version |
Jacob's Ladder - IC4633, IC4635 and IFN in Apus (also Sarah's Nebula) |
Officina Stellare Shining Star Recognition |
Officina Stellare Shining Star Recognition |
NGC 2070 - The Cosmic Web of the Tarantula Nebula (size: 39.95'x10.25') |
NASA APOD March 8 2012 |
IC-2177 & NGC 2327 The Seagull Nebula / The Eagle Nebula |
IC-2177 & NGC 2327 The Seagull Nebula / The Eagle Nebula |
vdB 133, LBN 219, Sh2-106 (The Celestial Snow Angel) in Cygnus |
vdB-133 LBN-219 - Closeup |
vdB 133, LBN 219, Sh2-106 (The Celestial Snow Angel) in Cygnus |
NGC 3576 (The Statue of Liberty Nebula), NGC 3603, NGC 3590 |
Officina Stellare Shining Star Recognition |
Table of Scorpius NGC6231 to IC4628-GUM56 (the Prawn Nebula) |
NGC 6914a/b (vdB-131, vdB-132) in Cygnus |
NGC 6914a-b vdB-131 vdB-132 in Cygnus |
The Great Carina Nebula (NGC3372), Keyhole Nebula (NGC3324), Red Hood / Gabriela Mistral Nebula (NGC3324) |
The Great Carina Nebula(NGC3372), Keyhole Nebula (NGC3324), Red Hood / Gabriela Mistral Nebula (NGC3324) |
The Great Carina Nebula(NGC3372), Keyhole Nebula (NGC3324), Red Hood / Gabriela Mistral Nebula (NGC3324) |
Officina Stellare / Shining Star Recognition |
The Carina Nebula - Wikipedia |
The Carina Nebula - Wikipedia |
IC 4628 GUM 56 The Prawn Nebula |
IC 4628 GUM 56 The Prawn Nebula |
Table of Scorpius NGC6231 to IC4628-GUM56 (the Prawn Nebula) |
Table of Scorpius NGC6231 to IC4628-GUM56 (the Prawn Nebula) - ANNOTATED |
Table of Scorpius NGC6231 to IC4628-GUM56 (the Prawn Nebula) |
47 Tucanae NGC 104 |
47 Tucanae NGC 104 |
Barnard 150 The Seahorse Nebula |
Barnard 150 - The Seahorse Nebula |
AE Aurigae and IC405 - The Flaming Star Nebula |
AE Aurigae and IC405 - The Flaming Star Nebula - Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site - January 2013 |
The Vulture Head Nebula - B207, LBN777 |
The Embryo Nebula (The Phantom Tiara) NGC1333, vdB17, LDN 1448 in Perseus |
The Embryo Nebula (The Phantom Tiara) NGC1333, vdB17, LDN 1448 in Perseus - Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site |
The Tulip Nebula Sh2-101, HD226868 (w/Cyg X-1) NGC 6871, B146, B147 1300 pixels |
SH2 101 The Tulip Nebula - Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site - February 07, 2011 |
The Tulip Nebula Sh2-101, HD226868 (w/Cyg X-1) NGC 6871, B146, B147 1300 pixels |
M16 The Eagle Nebula |
The Eagle Nebula - Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site - March 2011 |
NGC7023 vdB139 C12 The Iris Nebula in Cepheus (1300 pixels) |
Jan. 24, 2011 Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site - The Iris Nebula |
NGC7023 vdB139 C12 The Iris Nebula in Cepheus (1300 pixels) |
NGC7023 vdB139 C12 Central Area of the Iris Nebula in Cepheus |
IC 5070 and IC 5076 The Pelican Nebula 1300-pixels |
IC 5070 and IC 5076 The Pelican Nebula - Winner August 2010 of the Yahoo digital astro group's Moderator Easy Challenge |
Barnard 72 (B72) The Snake Nebula in Ophiuchus - 1250 pixels |
Aug. 6-8, 2010 Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site - Barnad 72 The Snake Nebula |
AE Aurigae and IC405 - The Flaming Star Nebula |
Dec. 31, 2009 - Jan. 1 2010 Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site IC405 The Flaming Star Nebula |
NGC7380 The Wizard Nebula 2000 pixels |
NGC 7380 The Wizard Nebula Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site - July 7th, 2010 |
IC-2118 Witch Head Nebula 1200pix |
Aug. 20-22.8.2010 Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site - The Witchhead Nebula |
The Crescent Nebula - NGC 6888, C27, Sharpless 105 - 970pix version |
June 2010 Digital Astro Moderator Hard Challenge |
The Jellyfish and Friends (IC443, IC 444 and CR89, M35, NGC2158, IC2157) - 3000 pixels |
The Jellyfish and Friends (IC443, IC 444 and CR89, M35, NGC2158, IC2157) - 1300 pixels |
The Jellyfish Nebula Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site - July, 2010 |
NGC 6820 (SH2-86) / NGC 6823 (Cr 405) (Emission Nebula & Open Cluster) in Vulpecula. |
IC 1848, SH 2-199, LBN 667 Soul Nebula Body in Cassiopeia - 1300 pixels |
IC 1848, SH 2-199, LBN 667 Soul Nebula Body in Cassiopeia - 2000 pixels |
March 4, 2010 Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site IC1848 The Soul Nebula |
NGC 281 Sh2-184 The Pacman Nebula with Open Cluster IC 1590 |
Pacman Nebula (NGC 281)- Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site - December 2, 2009 |
M17 The Swan Nebula - 1000pix |
M17 Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site - July 10, 2009 |
M17 The Swan Nebula - 1500pix |
Ha - True Red: M17 |
The Crescent Nebula - NGC 6888, C27, Sharpless 105 - 970pix version |
The Crescent Nebula - NGC 6888, C27, Sharpless 105 - 1900pix version |
The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888 - Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site - September 30, 2009 |
M16 The Eagle Nebula - Wide Field (IC 2177) |
M16 The Eagle Nebula - Central Area |
July 2009 Digital_Astro Group Challenge Winner |
C33 NGC 6992 The Eastern Veil Nebula 1000pix |
Eastern Veil Nebula (NGC 6992) Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site - Sept. 17, 2009 |
NGC 2174 and NGC-2175 The Monkey-Head / New Version (in 1410 pixels) |
NGC 2174 and NGC-2175 The Monkey-Head - Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site Aprill 14, 2010 |
C34 NGC 6960 The (Western) Bridal Veil Nebula |
The Medusa Nebula - Abell21, PK205+14.1, PN G205.1+14.2, SH2_274, YM29 (Johnson), ARO388 |
Medusa Nebula Picture of the day in Astronomy Magazine May 2009 |
NGC 6960 The Western Veil Picture of the day in Astronomy Magazine |
C19, Sh 2-125, IC 5146 and Barnard 168 The Cocoon Nebula |
C19 The Cocoon Nebula Picture of the day in Astronomy Magazine Jan. 22, 2010 |
M20 The Trifid Nebula |
M20 The Trifid Nebula - Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site - November 16, 2009 |
M27 The Dumbbell Nebula |
Dumbbell Nebula (M27)- Picture of the Day in Astronomy Magazine's Web Site - October 15, 2009 |
Sky and Telescope Magazine Gallery October 2013 NGC 6914a-b vdB-131 vdB-132 in Cygnus.jpg |