Boogier Chen/豬生狗養貓帶大 | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 【抵制野蠻中國舉辦2008奧運(Please support a boycott of the 2008 Olympics Beijing China)】 | tree view | thumbnails | slideshow |
★There are some pretty horrible pictures on this page - please do not scroll down unless you are prepared to look at them!
流浪狗甚至部分家犬∼ 在中國這個人道觀念極為原始的國家 人類文明一直在人道與殺戮間擺盪 從中國過往的人權紀錄來看 一個日漸走向富強的中國 至於2008北京奧運的吉祥物,應採用………… 在台灣的我們更應以哀矜勿喜的心態來看待這一切 最後強調∼本篇與兩岸無聊的政治角力無關 中國這回的惡劣行徑∼不僅讓自己蒙羞;讓奧運蒙塵
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bender | 19-Oct-2008 03:39 | |
angie | 15-Sep-2008 11:56 | |
Netanya | 04-Sep-2008 04:33 | |
Guest | 13-Aug-2008 18:05 | |
Guest | 08-Aug-2008 18:18 | |
Corinne | 06-Jul-2008 23:23 | |
Guest | 27-Apr-2008 15:25 | |
Mike | 17-Apr-2008 21:18 | |
Guest | 05-Apr-2008 20:24 | |
lilianna | 02-Mar-2008 10:53 | |
Mike | 22-Feb-2008 23:40 | |
berdv | 13-Feb-2008 17:04 | |
SILVIA SUAREZ | 10-Feb-2008 17:11 | |
SILVIA SUAREZ | 10-Feb-2008 17:07 | |
Chris | 10-Nov-2007 07:37 | |
Eric | 31-Oct-2007 10:48 | |
jessie_wang | 25-Oct-2007 11:18 | |
Ian Morehouse | 09-Oct-2007 11:34 | |
Tony | 07-Oct-2007 18:48 | |
Servane | 07-Oct-2007 11:11 | |
Mike | 18-Sep-2007 05:14 | |
Guest | 04-Sep-2007 21:17 | |