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Bob Townsend | all galleries >> subroot >> National Parks >> Bryce National Park > December_11_2005.JPG
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12-OCT-2005 Bob Townsend


Bryce National Park, UT

Canon EOS 350D
1/15s f/13.0 at 18.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 17-Dec-2005 01:13
Focus13-Dec-2005 14:46
Stunning and bodacious!!...voted.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography13-Dec-2005 12:49
Wonderful image :)
Guest 13-Dec-2005 12:36
Stunning sky and a great silouetted tree!
Gilles Navet13-Dec-2005 12:35
Another dreaming pic
So well composed image with amazing "capture" and treatment of sky
Vote for That
Jola Dziubinska13-Dec-2005 11:57
Spectacular, beautiful image. GMV.
Graham Tomlin13-Dec-2005 09:55
nice picture regards Helen
Steven Jusczyk13-Dec-2005 08:18
Gorgeous colors and composition! Strong silhouette from the tree.
Michael Shpuntov13-Dec-2005 04:42
Beautiful colors. Very powerful silhuette and great beacklit. GMV
elpasso13-Dec-2005 04:11
beautiful image. captured at a perfect moment