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Bob Townsend | all galleries >> subroot >> Beaches > October_30_2005.jpg
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Canon EOS 350D
1/1600s f/13.0 at 18.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 01-Nov-2005 16:17
Beautiful picture.
Coleen Perilloux Landry01-Nov-2005 15:59
very nice. The waves and the bridge silhouette are perfect and you saved your photo by shielding the sun with the bridge piling.
purpod01-Nov-2005 15:52
Xllnt shot, the colours, the waves, the shadows ~ You nailed it & I wish I was there! Easily GMV2 ~
twistedlim01-Nov-2005 14:29
Very nice!
Focus01-Nov-2005 14:17
Bodacious image!! Very well done..voted.
Herb 01-Nov-2005 13:41
Very nice