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Bo Zaremba | profile | all galleries >> Invertebrates >> Moths of Massachusetts tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Moths of Massachusetts

All pictures were taken within the borders of Massachusetts.
Special thanks to Ken Childs, Maury J. Heiman, Hugh McGuinness, Bob Paterson, Steven Whitebread & the Moth Photographers Group (MPG) & BugGuide for identification help. All mistakes are my own.
If you spot one, please email me at bozaremba(at)
Photos marked (T) are tentative identifications.
Pre-Tortricid Micros Moths : 0001-2700
:: Pre-Tortricid Micros Moths : 0001-2700 ::
Tortricidea Moths : 2701 - 3863
:: Tortricidea Moths : 2701 - 3863 ::
Pre-Pyralid Moths : 3864-4702
:: Pre-Pyralid Moths : 3864-4702 ::
Pyraloidea through Pyralinae Moths  : 4703 - 6075
:: Pyraloidea through Pyralinae Moths : 4703 - 6075 ::
Thyrididae-Hyblaeidae : 6076-6088
:: Thyrididae-Hyblaeidae : 6076-6088 ::
Pterophoridae - Plume Moths : 6089-6234
:: Pterophoridae - Plume Moths : 6089-6234 ::
Drepanoidea Moths : 6235-6255
:: Drepanoidea Moths : 6235-6255 ::
Geometroidea Moths : 6256-7648
:: Geometroidea Moths : 6256-7648 ::
Apatelodidae through Saturniidae Moths :  7649 -7770
:: Apatelodidae through Saturniidae Moths : 7649 -7770 ::
Sphingidae Moths : 7771 - 7894
:: Sphingidae Moths : 7771 - 7894 ::
Notodontidae Moths : 7895 - 8032
:: Notodontidae Moths : 7895 - 8032 ::
Arctiidae and Lymantriidae Moths : 8033 - 8321
:: Arctiidae and Lymantriidae Moths : 8033 - 8321 ::
Noctuidae: Herminiinae through Hypeninae Moths 8322 - 8489
:: Noctuidae: Herminiinae through Hypeninae Moths 8322 - 8489 ::
Noctuidae - Catocalinae less Catocala Moths : 8490 - 8769
:: Noctuidae - Catocalinae less Catocala Moths : 8490 - 8769 ::
Noctuidae - Catocalinae Moths :  8770 - 8879
:: Noctuidae - Catocalinae Moths : 8770 - 8879 ::
Noctuidae - Plusiinae through Agaristinae Moths : 8880 - 9324
:: Noctuidae - Plusiinae through Agaristinae Moths : 8880 - 9324 ::
Noctuidae - Amphipyrinae Moths : 9325 - 9872
:: Noctuidae - Amphipyrinae Moths : 9325 - 9872 ::
Noctuidae : Cucullinae Moths : 9873 - 10217
:: Noctuidae : Cucullinae Moths : 9873 - 10217 ::
Noctuidae - Hadeninae through Heliothinae Moths : 10218 - 11233
:: Noctuidae - Hadeninae through Heliothinae Moths : 10218 - 11233 ::
o9/24/845124/1/157581364.1ZI8jU88.157130137.ONeEudDi.jpg Mothing at campsite
Mothing at campsite