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Brian McMorrow | profile | all galleries >> Middle East, North Africa & the Caucasus >> Syria سوريا >> Tartus tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Tartus, Syria
Tartus, Syria
Tartus, Syria
Tartus, Syria
Southern end of the Crusader fortifications at Tartous, wtih a windmill
Southern end of the Crusader fortifications at Tartous, wtih a windmill
Tartous harbor and waterfront
Tartous harbor and waterfront
Tartus, Syria - waterfront
Tartus, Syria - waterfront
Shahine Tower Hotel, Tartus
Shahine Tower Hotel, Tartus
Tartus Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Tartus Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The small fishing and tourist harbor at Tartous
The small fishing and tourist harbor at Tartous
Mosque along the Tartus waterfront
Mosque along the Tartus waterfront
Tartous Harbor, Syria
Tartous Harbor, Syria
Tartus Harbor, Syria
Tartus Harbor, Syria
Boat carrying Syrian revellers during a Presidential Referendum celebration
Boat carrying Syrian revellers during a Presidential Referendum celebration
Boat carrying Syrian revellers during a Presidential Referendum celebration
Boat carrying Syrian revellers during a Presidential Referendum celebration
The Alamo-esqe Tartus Cathedral, 12th Century Crusader church
The Alamo-esqe Tartus Cathedral, 12th Century Crusader church
Cathedral Church of Our Lady of Tortosa
Cathedral Church of Our Lady of Tortosa
Citadel of Tartus
Citadel of Tartus
The much-altered Citadel of Tartus is integrated into the old town
The much-altered Citadel of Tartus is integrated into the old town
Citadel of Tartus
Citadel of Tartus
Flowers around the Tartous Citadel
Flowers around the Tartous Citadel