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Brian McMorrow | all galleries >> Aviation >> Aerial Photos >> Aerials-Middle East >> Aerials - Caucasus > Mount Ararat from the Armenian side
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Mount Ararat from the Armenian side

Nikon D100
1/400s f/11.0 at 66.0mm full exif

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Ron Melander 02-Feb-2011 18:49
I have just finished writing a book about Noah and would like to have your approval to use the picture,No.34205613 in it with the idea that you receive the credit for it and, like others in my book, direct the readers to look up your gallery of photoes in exchange for your permission. Since my book is in the editing stage the sooner I hear from you the better. I have other NASA photoes I can use in its' place but your photo is superior to theirs for my liking. Thank you for your time concerning this matter.


Ron Melander at: