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Bruce W. McElya- Photographer

Most of what you see here are scans of silver prints from the early seventies on, and most of that is from my primary effort, photography along the river corridor in Grand Canyon. To access the Colorado River in Grand Canyon means running one of the world's great rivers, complete with stunning natural beauty and a measure of abject terror. It's a big tough river, and I generally run it alone. Most of these images are drawn from eight solo raft journeys down the river, and that is why I go, for the journey itself.

Most often I shoot with a 4x5 field view camera, and work with b&w negatives in a traditional darkroom. Recently I acquired a Canon digital camera to shoot a few things along the river which simply can't be obtained from analog equipment. Time will tell if this can be a viable imaging option in the Canyon. The environment is harsh, and there's a lot of broken Nikons at the bottom of that river. If the device makes it out intact, images from it will be printed to platinum/palladium instead of silver.

Also there are galleries of roamings since college, when I started shooting. Many are from out West after living high in the Rockies for 18 years. The last decade puts me in the Kentucky Bluegrass, smack in the middle of horse country. The best shots always get away, so I hope you enjoy the second bests. As time permits, I will post journals and links to other materials related to these images.

All images are watermarked, and traceble throughout the web. Please don't use an image without permission. Go here to learn about watermark protected images:

To get started, just click on the picture below to go to the main galleries, then on to a picture gallery. To visit other sub-galleries, go to the top of the page and navigate the links to the next gallery. Enjoy the "prints" and I hope to see you downstream one day. ----->bruce

The Images
:: The Images ::