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Brian Bowden | profile | all galleries >> Glass ORBits - Contemporary Art Glass Marbles and Other Art Glass For Sale! >> Yoshinori Kondo Marbles and Pendants For Sale >> "Enerugi" Size: 1.96" x 1.07" x 1.09" Price: SOLD tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

"Enerugi" Size: 1.96" x 1.07" x 1.09" Price: SOLD

If you like to own - and wear - creative firsts in the world of glass, then this pendant is for you! To say the least, it is AWESOME in hand. The huge opal in this piece is one of the most beautiful we've ever seen. Yoshi has worked with a LOT of opals by now, and when he saw this one, he knew he needed to do something special with it. Thus was his ingenious idea born of shaping the clear around the opal in order to refract it in a special way, and really blow our minds with the colors and refracted enhancement we can see as a result. This is what Yoshi wrote about it: "This kind of pendant can't be coming out from me often, Why I made this pendant like this is, when I was encasing that opal, I found out this opal looks sooooo beautiful seeing it from sideways much more than looking at it from front. So much going on with looking at from sideways opal I can't find much (better) from what I get from 'Profound Glass'. I love how it came out!!!" Don't miss this opportunity at an exceedingly legendary pendant!!

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