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Doug Cruden | all galleries >> Galleries >> Clouds 2 > 27th - Indian Summer
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27-SEP-2011 (c) Doug Cruden

27th - Indian Summer

near Lower Swell, Glos. view map

The weather is set fair for the rest of the week - summer has arrived at last!!

Out and about after work around the lanes and tracks in the high wolds - this line of trees and bushes make a nice counterpoint to the magnificent clouds high above

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor 24-85mm f/2.8-4D AF
1/200s f/18.0 at 24.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Carl Carbone18-Oct-2020 13:35
This is really beautiful.
Mairéad28-Sep-2011 21:20
Wonderful sky - one of your signature shots. Love the sense of depth in the clouds.
Frank Brault28-Sep-2011 18:21
An excellent point of view. The clouds are beautiful. V
globalgadabout28-Sep-2011 14:25
the sliver of trees sets off well that expansive and vibrant sky...enjoy what looks a promising week...V
Marek Wilczura28-Sep-2011 05:36
I like this bucolic scene, Doug. Great frame!
Cindi Smith28-Sep-2011 00:17
Oh my gosh! What fabulous scenery! I'm loving this shot, Doug! I wanna be there right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stephanie27-Sep-2011 21:54
Gorgeous, gorgeous scenery!
Colin Storey27-Sep-2011 19:30
Lovely big sky shot, nicely composed.
Johnny JAG27-Sep-2011 19:14
I've heard they're having one in India too!
Brian Samuel27-Sep-2011 19:03
Magnificent indeed! Lets hope it's here to stay
Chris27-Sep-2011 18:17
B-I-G sky - superb!
Phillip Normanton27-Sep-2011 18:17
They must be smoke-signals then, not clouds :o) Such little trees you seem to have!
Guest 27-Sep-2011 18:08
Beautiful skies. V.
John Reynolds LRPS27-Sep-2011 17:57
Great sky, presumably in Gloucestershire! V.
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