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Adam Wood | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sparrows tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


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White-collared Seedeater
White-collared Seedeater
Field Sparrows and Yellow-faced Grassquit
Field Sparrows and Yellow-faced Grassquit
Yellow-faced Grassquit
:: Yellow-faced Grassquit ::
Olive Sparrow
:: Olive Sparrow ::
Black-stripped Sparrow
Black-stripped Sparrow
Black-stripped Sparrow
Black-stripped Sparrow
:: Towhees ::
Cassin's Sparrow
:: Cassin's Sparrow ::
Bachman's Sparrow
:: Bachman's Sparrow ::
American Tree Sparrow
:: American Tree Sparrow ::
Chipping Sparrow
:: Chipping Sparrow ::
Clay-colored Sparrow
:: Clay-colored Sparrow ::
Vesper Sparrow
:: Vesper Sparrow ::
Lark Sparrow
:: Lark Sparrow ::
Black-throated Sparrow
:: Black-throated Sparrow ::
Lark Bunting
:: Lark Bunting ::
Grasshopper Sparrow
:: Grasshopper Sparrow ::
Henslow's Sparrow
:: Henslow's Sparrow ::
Le Conte's Sparrow
:: Le Conte's Sparrow ::
Nelson's Sparrow
:: Nelson's Sparrow ::
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