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Erik Bruhnke | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Wisconsin tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Wisconsin Point 2013
Wisconsin Point 2013
Simmons Woods Park (Pewaukee)
Simmons Woods Park (Pewaukee)
La Crosse, WI : Birds, Bluffs and Natural Beauty
La Crosse, WI : Birds, Bluffs and Natural Beauty
Wisconsin Point 2011/2012
Wisconsin Point 2011/2012
Madison Birding
Madison Birding
Separate Fall 2011 gallery: Crex Meadows Birding Trip - RRF (Raptor Research Foundation) Conference
Separate Fall 2011 gallery: Crex Meadows Birding Trip - RRF (Raptor Research Foundation) Conference
Beautiful Month of May in Ashland, WI (2011)
Beautiful Month of May in Ashland, WI (2011)
A Brisk and Fun Winter Morning At Wisconsin Point
A Brisk and Fun Winter Morning At Wisconsin Point
Wisconsin Point 2010
Wisconsin Point 2010
Lapham Peak Hawkwatching
Lapham Peak Hawkwatching
Wisconsin Point 2009
Wisconsin Point 2009
WSO Wisconsin Point Field Trip
WSO Wisconsin Point Field Trip
Wisconsin Point 2008 Gallery
Wisconsin Point 2008 Gallery
Field Ornithology trip 2008 - Horicon, Baraboo, Necedah
Field Ornithology trip 2008 - Horicon, Baraboo, Necedah
Lake Michigan Feb 1, 2010
Lake Michigan Feb 1, 2010
American White Pelicans
American White Pelicans
Recently-fledged Northern Cardinal
Recently-fledged Northern Cardinal
Adult Golden Eagle
Adult Golden Eagle
Black-billed Cuckoo
Black-billed Cuckoo
Common Tern calling
Common Tern calling
Common Tern fishing
Common Tern fishing
Willet along shoreline, where Brule River meets Lake Superior
Willet along shoreline, where Brule River meets Lake Superior
Willet along shoreline, where Brule River meets Lake Superior
Willet along shoreline, where Brule River meets Lake Superior
Marsh bird surveying habitat
Marsh bird surveying habitat
Adult Red-tailed Hawk
Adult Red-tailed Hawk
Sunrise through the frost
Sunrise through the frost