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The walled city of Harar is the fourth holiest city in Islam. The wall has a total of five entrance gates, which are no longer in use but still stand. The original town within the wall, Jegol is home of the Adere people...
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g9/34/253134/3/20173841.H6tNaVCH.jpg g9/34/253134/3/20152747.RpoZAbVV.jpg The streets of Jegol
The streets of Jegol
more streets of Jegol
more streets of Jegol
g9/34/253134/3/20152772.HsUvdQrV.jpg The French poet Arthur Rimbaud's residence.  Now restored and turned into a museum...
The French poet Arthur Rimbaud's residence. Now restored and turned into a museum...
The view of the courtyard from Rimbaud's main house
The view of the courtyard from Rimbaud's main house
The writing on the wall... inside the Rimbaud museum
The writing on the wall... inside the Rimbaud museum
The Rimbaud museum
The Rimbaud museum
Inside Rimbaud's house, upstairs
Inside Rimbaud's house, upstairs
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