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Bill Warren | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Daily Showing > Silence! It's a ham
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Silence! It's a ham

My Thursday challenge entry for 2/1/07.

Given the movie theme, it came to me that I wanted to do something heavy, since much of what I have been doing has been a lot lighter. I ended up attempting Hannibal but the style is tad more Hitchcock. And then I just couldn’t resist the title.

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Eldar Kadymov10-Aug-2008 05:11
Well lit cigarette is missing...
Nancy Good05-Aug-2008 19:38
Totally cracked and brilliant! Love it!
Tim van Woensel31-May-2007 14:17
Freak'n scary!
Lee G03-Feb-2007 06:37
One of the best of the day!! Funny stuff.
Donnaray03-Feb-2007 01:41
love it, v
Ric Yates02-Feb-2007 21:35
Great concept!
Linda Willets02-Feb-2007 01:51
lol.. scary.. excellent
Cindi Smith02-Feb-2007 01:31
LOL! This is too crazy! I love it!!!!!!!!
Guest 02-Feb-2007 01:05
Great interpretation, well executed ;-)
JSWaters02-Feb-2007 00:39
This must be what you wear to greet trick or treaters! (Otherwise, why would you have that mask)
J. Scott Coile01-Feb-2007 23:05
You crack me up :-)
Guest 01-Feb-2007 21:48
Love the shadows. My mind jumped to the Loretta Lynn song stand by your ham, lol.
Carole Stevens01-Feb-2007 21:12
Fantastic shot love this great interpretation Bill!
Barbara Heide01-Feb-2007 21:07
lol! I did recognize you straight away! v
Guest 01-Feb-2007 20:56
So... you actually had that mask in your house? Hmmm... very interesting!
Michael Shpuntov01-Feb-2007 19:10
Very humorous entry. Great shot. I like it a lot.
Guest 01-Feb-2007 18:44
Great shot
Dan Chusid01-Feb-2007 17:49
Didn't know you were a lefty too.

: )
Lee Rudd01-Feb-2007 17:14
slim shady's shadow? have a nice meal :)
caveman_lee01-Feb-2007 16:48
A very effective shot, GMV
Guest 01-Feb-2007 16:02
Whoa! Chilling!
Fong Lam01-Feb-2007 16:00
Hehe, that looks scary! Great entry!
Dana01-Feb-2007 15:54
It is a rather a combination of the two, isn't it?! I like it.
Linda Matta01-Feb-2007 15:26
That is so freaking real looking....... AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Dave Wixx01-Feb-2007 13:50
Love it. OK I own the knife, but why the mask!!! LOL.
Jola Dziubinska01-Feb-2007 12:37
Very impressive, well done.
Guest 01-Feb-2007 12:23
LOL! Don't think that ham can be cured : ) ....Very funny shot and title.
laine8201-Feb-2007 12:14
Oik...I'm leaving !!
Susan Leigh01-Feb-2007 12:08
..or could be called 'Slicing of the hams'.. ;-))
ooh, you are scary..great image!
Guest 01-Feb-2007 11:52
Love it!!
Eckhart Derschmidt01-Feb-2007 11:31
Great tribute to both styles of suspense movies!
Martha Albuquerque01-Feb-2007 10:46
WOW! great tribute to the filme. Excellent work.
Guest 01-Feb-2007 10:41
There you are again, love this image,is a ham that you are a fumbler ( I am blond).
Guest 01-Feb-2007 10:25
What a great shot,Bill.Bit worried about that mask - do you use it often?!! :o)
olivier bruning01-Feb-2007 08:54
at last I know whom you reminded me of...! ;-)
j>a>e>17 :):):)01-Feb-2007 08:39
Fava Bean Pizza
Hannibal Lecture Cafe
Clarice Chianti

"17" special cuts of corny beef too, john :):):)
Sheila01-Feb-2007 07:47
You always come up with something great!
Guest 01-Feb-2007 07:26
heheh....i think it would be more effective if you were holding a spoon instead of a knife. (spoon is more in keeping for hannibal). LOL.
Yvonne01-Feb-2007 07:24
Love the shadow! Very spooky!!!
Chris01-Feb-2007 06:46
Just love it!! It's what nightmares are made of!! Chris
Wei O'Connell01-Feb-2007 06:32
Very funny. Great entry. Nicely done!
Scott Browne01-Feb-2007 05:42
Nice reflection off the knife. And great harsh shadows.
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