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Bill Warren | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Daily Showing > Square transparent headless man
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Square transparent headless man

My "breaking the rules" contribution to the Thursday Challenge

Canon PowerShot G2
1/20s f/8.0 at 10.7mm iso256 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Michael Shpuntov13-Oct-2006 03:00
Very cool. I was actually looking for that kind of shot. Could not find anything. Great idea and entry
Barbara Heide12-Oct-2006 22:31
don't be too humble for that's a cute entry!
Dave Wixx12-Oct-2006 22:27
But some things just work, rules or not. COOL.
laine8212-Oct-2006 21:30
Good capture.
Ray :)12-Oct-2006 20:30
You didn't break the rule of fun!
John Beck12-Oct-2006 19:53
And everyone's looking at him! This is an interesting composition to say the least.
Bill Ewart Jr12-Oct-2006 19:46
And all those people behind him think you've captured a great shot!!!!!
Jen Bixler12-Oct-2006 19:18
but still so cool! I like that he is headless! I can add my own face ;o)
James Ross12-Oct-2006 18:49
Cool shot. :-)
Guest 12-Oct-2006 17:58
Love it! What a surreal shot.
beverley harrison12-Oct-2006 16:54
JSWaters12-Oct-2006 16:51
There's a merging body parts image for ya!
Nicki Thurgar12-Oct-2006 16:40
he he! Well broken rules, interesting result!
wernere0112-Oct-2006 16:16
Quite ghostly! Fine shot.
Jola Dziubinska12-Oct-2006 15:12
Good one :)
royalld12-Oct-2006 14:48
As part of this Thursday's challenge, I would say this one fits very well.
Dan Chusid12-Oct-2006 14:24
Works well for breaking the rules!
Sheila12-Oct-2006 14:07
Yes, this qualifies very well, Bill!
Guest 12-Oct-2006 12:55
very cool image!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography12-Oct-2006 12:41
Interpenetration ? :)
Eckhart Derschmidt12-Oct-2006 12:19
Definitely an outlaw-shot! Great !
Faye White12-Oct-2006 12:16
very cool!
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