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Jytte Strandberg | profile | all galleries >> Samoyeds >> Snowdogs >> Sleddogs On Holiday 2009 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sleddogs On Holiday 2009

Again this year I went on holiday with my 5 samoyeds in Sweden. Same place as allways, Furudal in the north of Dalarna about 800 kilometers from my home in Denmark. And again we were there while the Nordic Championships for samoyed sleddogracing took place. The place has never been more beautiful with tons of snow and no wind at all. For once the dark trees were covered in white from the top and down. We were there for 2 weeks.During the championsships the place is in action all day long when about 200 samoyeds and their people live together in the 30 cabins in "Ore Fritidsby" having fun on the big lake or competing on the trails in the wood.

It will take me some time to edit all my photos, so you are welcome to join us here another time.

Around the Place
:: Around the Place ::
:: Snowpeople ::
Getting Ready Team Takotna Team Takotna
Team Takotna on the Ore Lake Team Nordvestgaarden Team Takotna Team Snötrollen Ready to shoot
Team Snötrollen Team Nordvestgaarden Darwin and Ghandi Team Nordvestgaarden Team Nordvestgaarden
Team Nordvestgaarden Mette ready to go Mette's Team Team Swedsam Nordic Style
Penny Speedy Alpha the Snowqueen Atlantis Blanca on Ice
Blanca King Junior rules King Tahoe rules Pushkin and Mr Redsox Balthazar Let's play
Blanca - Atlantis We are bored ! Here we go again... Let's tell them... ...this is our spot
It's cold outside Speedy in control Team Snechinka Team Snechinka Team Bilaika
Team Snechinka g3/99/598099/3/109720298.hndFcqrB.jpg