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legs n shoes

Canon EOS 350D
1/320s f/4.5 at 22.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Sheila30-Jun-2007 03:27
Love seamed stockings!
Very nicely composed.
mojoflowerchick30-Jun-2007 02:52
love the shot.. great stockings too girl..
noearlybird30-Jun-2007 00:53
Love the seams! Kathie
Carole Stevens29-Jun-2007 19:59
Perfect seams for sexy legs go girl!
Guest 29-Jun-2007 18:35
great angle, super shot and legs.
Johnny JAG29-Jun-2007 18:19
Seamed like a good idea.
Cindi Smith29-Jun-2007 18:14
Very cool perspective and very sexy legs! Whoo hoo!
JW29-Jun-2007 17:48
Delightful! Are these in the 'Bev' range too? LOL
Lee Rudd29-Jun-2007 17:47
are you standing on yer head?
Jen Bixler29-Jun-2007 17:21
I knew your's would be mad sexy!
zyziza29-Jun-2007 17:15
sweet legs! V
Nicki Thurgar29-Jun-2007 17:15
Woo hoo, sexy legs! ;o) Love the composition!
See ya Sunday :~D
Scott Browne29-Jun-2007 17:10
Woo hoo!
Jola Dziubinska29-Jun-2007 17:05
Wow, Bev, great pov! And lovely legs :)
Guest 29-Jun-2007 16:59
hot - wicked hot -