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hannah & millhouse

well...thats it!! her exams are over...she has officially left school now and i feel a wee bit older!!

Canon EOS 350D
1/200s f/4.0 at 60.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Sheila28-Jun-2007 05:25
Great shot, I bet she's relieved!
Cindi Smith27-Jun-2007 22:23
LOL at Andra....she's being either protective or just needing to know! Well, I wanna know too! Very special day for her and you ain't old yet!!!!!!!
Lee Rudd27-Jun-2007 22:22
nah your young! congrats Hannah!
Johnny JAG27-Jun-2007 20:51
They are looking for Noodle Miners in Wales if she's after a job.
arminb27-Jun-2007 19:55
very nice, they seem to be really happy :-D
Carole Stevens27-Jun-2007 19:03
Great shot Bev love Hannahs smile she's a natural!
Congrats Hannah just sit and relax now for a while before Beauty school Wahey!
edwina beaumont27-Jun-2007 18:49
Yes she is certainly growing up
mojoflowerchick27-Jun-2007 16:05
congrats hannah and bev.. great DAY..
Nicki Thurgar27-Jun-2007 16:04
Well done Hannah! Off to work with you now!! ;o))
Guest 27-Jun-2007 15:33
Will she go on to university? She's gorgeous! Love his glasses. :)
Ray :)27-Jun-2007 15:30
does that mean she is now officially a student? LOL
Faye White27-Jun-2007 15:22
wtg Hannah!
Guest 27-Jun-2007 15:20
She is soooooooooooooo pretty -who is this millhouse??? wonderful image