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jess the mermaid and her 4 little helpers!!

i had a day at the beach with jess and her 4 babies (they called me miss sweet is that!!) it was lovely to catch up with her and with will too before he goes back to the states on sunday, good luck will!!


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Guest 25-Jun-2007 14:16
that lensbaby really makes the shot! You're the master. :)
Carole Stevens25-Jun-2007 10:21
Gorgeous capture Miss Bev a beautiful softness of a lovely family pik!
Guest 25-Jun-2007 10:19
great shot,love the treatment.
Dave Wixx25-Jun-2007 02:39
Cool post processing.
Jessica McCollum24-Jun-2007 22:12
It raioned lots, Nicky-but it didn't stop us. I have loads of pics to post-right after the Bath pics ;o)
Cindi Smith24-Jun-2007 22:03
Awwww...I see they are still adding sand to her...hope she didn't get buried alive! What a cute little family. Looks y'all had fun!
Ray :)24-Jun-2007 21:34
LOL@David - I guess he left the festival after Shirley Bassey did her stuff ;-)
But I'm a bit worried what you have done to your friend here...
Faye White24-Jun-2007 21:08
very cute shot! :)
Guest 24-Jun-2007 20:52
Safe journey to them!Could only play in the mud this weekend,Bev, but they say it is good for the skin!! :0)
Lee Rudd24-Jun-2007 20:47
awww how sweet!
Nicki Thurgar24-Jun-2007 20:44
Didn't it rain with you then??! Great shot of Jess & her babies, bless them!! :o)
J. Scott Coile24-Jun-2007 20:43
A fun time for sure.
mojoflowerchick24-Jun-2007 20:37
great shot.. love the blur