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what a babe!!

ray just reminded me that tomorrows fun challenge is....
stepping over the line!!
hard one this i think!!

Canon EOS 350D
1/25s f/2.8 at 100.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jessica McCollum28-Sep-2006 07:47
LOL @ Scott!!! Too close for me... although it is a great shot : )
Lee Rudd28-Sep-2006 06:30
ahhhhhhhhhh lovely legs!
Wei O'Connell28-Sep-2006 04:44
Excellent details. Very scarry looking babe. vote
Scott Browne28-Sep-2006 03:37
He's hairier than mine, too! *grin*
Greg Harp28-Sep-2006 03:14
Nice babe shot there Beverley. :)
Steven Jusczyk28-Sep-2006 01:33
Nice, almost looks like a stuffed animal!
carol j. phipps27-Sep-2006 23:43
Scarry looking one!!! WHew!
laine8227-Sep-2006 22:53
I think the arachnophobics would say you stepped over the line with this....however, I'm wont & concede defeat in the size of yours & mine. ;>)) And yours is purrrtier too.
Carole Stevens27-Sep-2006 22:40
Yep our camera club is fab at this, btw Bev organised the night of macro photography and did a fab job too, and yes Bev touched her!
Guest 27-Sep-2006 22:22
"Daylight come an I wanna go 'ome"
Nice shot Bev
They do tend to come inside this time of year when it gets damp ;-)
John Beck27-Sep-2006 21:52
This one's kind of cute. Nice shot. (Is he on your carpet?, sand?) Doesn't matter. Beautiful contrast.
Ray :)27-Sep-2006 21:46
Was this a "hand-held" shot? LOL!
Nicki Thurgar27-Sep-2006 21:35
Chris beat me to it! OOOO MMMMYYY GOOOOODDDD! Please tell me you didn't *actually* hold it??? Fab shot though!
Chris27-Sep-2006 21:32
OMG! Chris