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Bernd Koenemann | all galleries >> Out of Trains, Planes, and Automobiles. >> Aerial Views 1 > Erosion in Fool's Gold
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Erosion in Fool's Gold

That's fool's gold, of course. For real gold you have to visit Marita.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jola Dziubinska28-May-2007 14:41
Very impressionistic, fantastic textures and colors.
Eldar Kadymov27-Jan-2006 20:13
Unbe-bloody-lievable beauty, certainly from the other planet !
marita toftgard08-Dec-2005 08:46
it is really magic!
and also big thanks
ac05-Dec-2005 18:04
Fool's gold, yes, but anyway it makes a beautiful abstract shot.