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Bernard Bosmans | all galleries >> Galleries >> seabreezes > Two boys and a dog
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Two boys and a dog

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Yves Rubin05-Oct-2009 09:38
These are every day moments, but captured with such a pure and harmonious way. Superb leading line, those steps in the sand.
Yiannis Pavlis27-Mar-2008 03:39
An eye-catching picture with impressive outlook! Exciting harmony between the pastel colours .
Guest 14-Sep-2007 14:57
love your lighting and tone :-)
Guest 05-Jan-2007 06:10
lovely details and view. splendid shot and composition.
well taken.
Martin Doheny05-Jul-2006 23:08
Great exposure and composition 8-)
Mostafa Moftah29-Apr-2006 14:37
Love that magical light.. nice composition.