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Ralph Berglund | profile | all galleries >> CATEGORIES & SUBJECTS.... >> MY JAPANESE CLOISONNE COLLECTION tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


This gallery contains images of my collection of (mostly) Japanese cloisonne vases. For a general discussion of cloisonne click here.. I also have and enjoy some Chinese pieces but I have preferred the finer work and art of the Japanese. Most of my pieces are of the early 20th century but influenced by the fine work that characterized the Meiji period. I have also seen a suggestion that some of this kind of work was designed by the Japanese but manufactured in China, cf. vases 3, 6, and 11.

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Vase 1 - 4.75
Vase 1 - 4.75"
Vase 2 - 4.75
Vase 2 - 4.75"
Vase 3 - 6
Vase 3 - 6"
Vase 4 - 7.25
Vase 4 - 7.25"
Vase 5 - 7.25
Vase 5 - 7.25"
Vase 6 - 7.25
Vase 6 - 7.25"
Vases 7, 8, - 3.5
Vases 7, 8, - 3.5"
Vase 9 - 7.375
Vase 9 - 7.375"
Vase 10 - 8
Vase 10 - 8"
Vase 11 - 7
Vase 11 - 7"
Vases 12, 13, - 5
Vases 12, 13, - 5"
Vase 14 - 4.75
Vase 14 - 4.75"
Vase 15 - 4.75
Vase 15 - 4.75"
Vase 16 - 5
Vase 16 - 5"
Vase 17 - 5
Vase 17 - 5"
Vase 18 - 7.5
Vase 18 - 7.5"
Vase 19 - 7.5
Vase 19 - 7.5"
Vase 20 - 7.25
Vase 20 - 7.25"
Vase 21 - 7
Vase 21 - 7"
Vase 22 - 7
Vase 22 - 7"
Vase 23 - 9.625 - an Ando piece.
Vase 23 - 9.625" - an Ando piece.
Vase 24 - 5.375
Vase 24 - 5.375"
Vase 25 - 7.5
Vase 25 - 7.5"
Vase 26 - 5
Vase 26 - 5"
Vase 27 - 7.125
Vase 27 - 7.125"
Vase 28 - 3.75
Vase 28 - 3.75"
Vase 29 - 10 - One of my fine Chinese pieces.
Vase 29 - 10" - One of my fine Chinese pieces.
Vase 30 - 8 - Another fine Chinese piece.
Vase 30 - 8" - Another fine Chinese piece.
Vase 31 - 6 - An early Chinese purchase.  The 10,000 Flowers pattern.
Vase 31 - 6" - An early Chinese purchase. The 10,000 Flowers pattern.
Vase 32 - 5.125 - Another early Chinese purchase of which I am fond.
Vase 32 - 5.125" - Another early Chinese purchase of which I am fond.
Vases 33, 34, - 8 - A matched, really mirror pair purchased in a gift shop at the Great Wall.
Vases 33, 34, - 8" - A "matched", really mirror pair purchased in a gift shop at the Great Wall.