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Pascale Guittonneau | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD > Move and Looking Up
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17 Juin 2006

Move and Looking Up

On stage.
Photo Philippe Guittonneau.

Olympus C-750UZ
1/6s f/3.7 at 63.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 14-Jul-2008 17:04


Guest 14-Jul-2008 17:04


Guest 14-Jul-2008 17:04


Guest 25-Aug-2006 14:35
wow so spooky

creative shot

thanks for showing me
Guest 24-Jun-2006 02:48
Fabuleux, Pascale. Je me demande comment j'ai pu "oublier" de commenter... j'avais bien vu l'image, pourtant!
Johnny JAG23-Jun-2006 19:31
Great effect.
inti23-Jun-2006 13:48
I like this very much. It's amazing how the face of this dancer remains in focus among all the dreamy swirls of movement and colour.
A beautiful image.
Best wishes Rob
Donald Verger23-Jun-2006 09:20
great and cool!
Scott Browne23-Jun-2006 05:10
C'est chouette!
Cindi Smith23-Jun-2006 02:32
Great idea....she's looking up! Very well done! And, it is beautiful!
Yvonne23-Jun-2006 00:06
Very dreamy - its great!
Sheila22-Jun-2006 23:15
This is beautiful, Pascale.
Guest 22-Jun-2006 23:12
Very nicely done!
Guest 20-Jun-2006 09:27
Good stuff!
Guenter Eh19-Jun-2006 18:59
Like an oriental dance....magical Pascale!
Guest 19-Jun-2006 12:30
Brilliant, c'est le mot! C'est etonnant, esthetique. Bravo. Je vote!
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