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Profile for BeauxPoint Photography
Name BeauxPoint Photography (joined 16-Dec-2005) (pbase supporter)
Username beauxpoint
Location United States (Alabama)
United States (Alabama)
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Message from BeauxPoint Photography
BEAUX POINT is a place of beauty, peace, and a sanctuary from the clutter and vanities of the world. Beaux Point is a private place and a fortress for us against those issues which are meaningless to one's honor within one's self respect. The beauty of it, and our joy there, is being shared with you from a distance through my photographs and these eyes which have been allowed to see the Point's beauty and the beautiful visual gifts give by our Creator in the region surrounding BeauxPoint. As a child an elderly scholar of the Word imprinted my life with a charge as defined within 2Tim2:15-16. (Therefore all my photographs are as true as viewed by me through the viewfinder with no radical "photoshop" techniques applied to them. Rain, Shine, Cloudy, or Bright the photos taken are a snapshot in a single moment of time. Some poor, some fair, and some photos are good but what was infront of me is what is documented truthfully.)

So, no matter where I travel, or what my duties entail, Beaux Point is imbedded in my spirit and memory as I wander through life having it's peace, joy, and beauty travel within me as a ingrained memory so I can momentarily retreat to it during challenging times. A "Beaux Point" is a state of mind that each person can have of their own sanctuary within themselves if they will only allow it to be.

I hope you enjoy my galleries and the posting I place within them. Please visit from time to time as the scenes and thoughts change as my spirit for life's experiences modify as time and the Seasons flow like the breezes through the willows at Beaux Point. At times I will share my thoughts with you on how, why, and what lead to the freeze of time within the photograph. While quality pictures is the goal, the memory of that moment captured within the lens enhances even the most marginal of photos I have taken.

Wheither at BeauxPoint, the near-by areas of interest such as the Wheeler Wildlife Refuge, or an occassionaly assignment out-of-area I hope ya'll enjoy the beauty of nature and our environment.

Remember that within each gallery are sub-galleries and the most current photos (or newly added photos) are always at the end of a page. Please enjoy these fragments of time as captured by my camera and brought about by our Creator. Thank you for taking the time to visit BeauxPoint's site.

Please note all images are copyrighted by BeauxPoint Photography, Cullman, Alabama which is contacted only via email. Only the U.S. Fish and WIldlife Service's Wheeler Wildlife Refuge has carte blanche use of the photographs as a help to promote the charge of the Refuge. Any uses for commerical or monetary purposes must be approved by my signature prior to using a photograph copyrighted on this site.

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