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Brad Claypole | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trains > WHOO HOO
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This picture took first place in Pbase's 77th Show & Tell Competition!

6000HP locomotive verus snow drifts! This one moving at 40mph. I've been trying to get this shot all winter. A lot of waiting, searching and road hockey
(while waiting for a train I would shoot snowballs with a hockey stick - yes, I'm Canadian, we carry hockey sticks with us all the time! lol)(but seriously, I do).
This is easily the best shot I have ever taken, period. Hope you like it 'cause I LOVE IT!
It's not cropped, Photoshopped (besides the name and drop shadow) or straighten (although it could use a bit).
Printed this at 24X36 and it looks fantastic.

This was the second to last frame I got before turning and being blasted by snow!

Canon EOS 1D Mark II N
1/1600s f/2.8 at 100.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Paul Bullock30-Jan-2013 20:41
Excellent! I love these type shots and your story behind it. Thanks for sharing.
shankar rao 02-Aug-2012 09:39
nice one
Inga Morozoff27-Jan-2011 02:43
I showed this to a friend last night and his jaw dropped.
Chris Spracklen16-Oct-2010 20:49
Magic! Great shot, Brad! (V)
Wonderful atmosphere!
Dan Greenberg15-May-2010 13:36
Great capture of that perfect moment - love all that flying snow! ~V~
Monique Trempe27-Feb-2010 23:50
Wonderful shot! Fantastic picture! BV
Rick Bricker13-Feb-2010 05:41
...and from the look of all the comments...everyone else agrees it's a terrific shot...sure is one of my favorites on pbase.Bravo and big V my man!
Stan Wojick29-Dec-2009 00:22
Congratulations on taking first place with this great shot
Kim18-Dec-2009 19:50
WOW great shot!! V
Guest 16-Dec-2009 22:35
Wow! What a shot! Big Vote.
Ciao, Giancarlo
bill friedlander01-Dec-2009 22:13
Love the wisps and clumps of snow flying off the engine, powering its way through a Canadian winter. V
Guest 19-Sep-2009 04:21
Oh yeah, I like it. Well done.
pascal01-Aug-2009 16:08
Outstanding photo ! Great job !
E Clark15-Jun-2009 03:12
Guest 02-May-2009 20:59
Powerful shot. Love the details.V!!!
Kim15-Apr-2009 15:38
Super capture!! V
Paul Chan15-Apr-2009 01:24
A++ .....V.
Char10-Apr-2009 13:12
Hi Brad,
Definitely a superior shot to any I have ever seen! Wonderful capture. \/
BleuEvanescence26-Mar-2009 04:09
This is the most gorgeous picture
of a snow train i have ever seen.
What a timing too!
I just love this, it is magical.
Guest 15-Jan-2009 23:49
Fantastic...Canadian diesel pur sang. You should get some credit from trainlovers, think about submitting to TRAINS magazine (Kalmbach pub.)
Guest 03-Jan-2009 23:45
good effort and patience to capture this great action shot. well done... V
Mindy McNaugher30-Dec-2008 03:47
Awesome shot!!! Vote!
monil26-Dec-2008 13:53
A very great picture.
Love the mood.
Very good composition. v
Guest 22-Dec-2008 17:55
One of the best photos I've seen! Just excellent work Brad, congrats! V
Robyco22-Dec-2008 16:07
Outstanding !! (V)
Steve Morris22-Dec-2008 15:18
Love this shot - very Christmassy as well!!BV
Bill Warren21-Dec-2008 15:03
If you haven't thought of this, you should submit it to a train lover's magazine, because it has cover photo quality. Patience gets rewarded.
Char20-Dec-2008 03:19
Hi Brad,
This is an absolutely amazing shot! \/
Hank Vander Velde19-Dec-2008 22:26
Terrific shot Brad.
Guest 18-Dec-2008 00:45
A very dramatic shot! A winner indeed! Vote.
Thierry Lucas15-Dec-2008 20:15
Beautiful capture. V
Joan Thompson15-Dec-2008 03:00
awesome photo
urs10-Dec-2008 22:41
Brad, what a stunning picture you were able to take here. I'm a big train fan, well a lot of swiss citizens are, as we have tons of trains. But this picture looks really amazing. You captured it perfectly. V
llukee09-Dec-2008 01:03
very nice image
Michele Lee09-Dec-2008 01:00
Awesome action shot! Love the snow and steam!!! Congrats on the win! Big V!
Dante Dimarucot07-Nov-2008 02:15
Sergio Pessolano26-Sep-2008 10:41
Superb visual impact. V.
Canon12-Aug-2008 12:50
Cette photo est magique!!!
Guest 25-Jun-2008 05:50
These is one awesome and amazing shot....Big Vote...
Sandi Whitteker19-Jun-2008 16:36
Definitely an award winning pic Brad. Stunning! You must have gotten cold waiting for this one.
Guest 02-Jun-2008 21:19
great shot
did you take before the slap shot, or after the wrister ehhhhhh.
Marc Vermeulen31-May-2008 15:22
Fantastic shot.
monil23-May-2008 10:49
Wow a very great picture. v
Yves Rubin21-May-2008 15:47
This is an fantastic shot Brad! The action and moment are perfect! V
Rick Bricker06-May-2008 04:54
Brad I love this shot.Those long cold wintery Canadian afternoons(yes I am also a Canadian prairie fella)were worth the wait for this one shot.Fantastic capture.Voted.
Guest 28-Apr-2008 23:54
Fantastic shot.
Ted Chappell28-Apr-2008 02:33
Congratulations, an incredible capture, it has everything, impact (no pun intended, but), speed, truely amazing this has not been adjusted, particularly by cropping.
You must have felt amazing to have finally caught this shot after waiting so long.
Voted (of course!).
ken_bat23-Apr-2008 14:25
Wow! What great energy in this picture. It just screams movement and power. Well done! V.
Zoltán Balogh16-Apr-2008 08:31
Stunning! V!
Geoff Smith01-Apr-2008 21:54
Wonderful shot Brad!
Flying Dutchman23-Mar-2008 16:52
This is a fantastic picture!! well done and well shot!
Inga Morozoff20-Mar-2008 14:14
Congratulations on a fantastic shot!
Guest 20-Mar-2008 06:56
Absolutely superb shot and a worthy winner if the 77th S&T competition - congratulations!
Terry Bowker19-Mar-2008 14:23
Congratulations on the contest win! Great shot!!!
Guest 19-Mar-2008 14:18
perfect number 1 for contest. congrats
Guest 18-Mar-2008 15:45
Awesome. Teena
Guest 18-Mar-2008 11:19
This was well worth the wait!
You deserve to be very proud of this shot!
Markus Grompe14-Mar-2008 03:38
This really IS a great shot... Glad you took the time to catch the moment.
Guest 12-Mar-2008 11:47
This is a fantastic shot. Perfect lighting composition make it one of the best photos of this subject I have seen in years.

Steve Nelson11-Mar-2008 00:30
That is one cool shot! Well done!
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)09-Mar-2008 23:29
Very cool shot - a freeze frame of action. V!
B. Shortall - BCS Photography09-Mar-2008 22:47
Love it Brad! I was wrong - it looks amazing in print, but it looks great on the screen as well! Now, quit playin with them trains!!! Big time V!!!
Jola Dziubinska09-Mar-2008 22:33
Fantastic capture, vote.
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