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bchw | profile | all galleries >> Lewis County Chapter >> Packwood Lake Trail Clearing, May 26, 2012 and June 16, 2012 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Packwood Lake Trail Clearing, May 26, 2012 and June 16, 2012

The Crew
The Crew
Tony barking a log
Tony barking a log
Danielle Sawing
Danielle Sawing
Tail clear
Tail clear
A Lever-Rite Tree
A Lever-Rite Tree
Danielle removing the bark
Danielle removing the bark
Danielle sawing a cedar
Danielle sawing a cedar
Cut completed
Cut completed
Taking a brake at the lake
Taking a brake at the lake
Pam and Alyssa
Pam and Alyssa
Alyssa on the bridge
Alyssa on the bridge
Dewey and Pam
Dewey and Pam
Another wondfall
Another wondfall
Dewey on the saw
Dewey on the saw
Dewey on the saw
Dewey on the saw
Pam sawing
Pam sawing
Pam sawing
Pam sawing
Dewey, Pam, Danielle, Tony and Alyssa
Dewey, Pam, Danielle, Tony and Alyssa
Packwood Lake cabin
Packwood Lake cabin
This needs work
This needs work
This needs work
This needs work
Cedars at the east end of the lake
Cedars at the east end of the lake
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012