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The Eyes Have It

This week's TGTC was "The Eyes Have It". Being a fan of the pun I chose to use "hook and eyes" instead of the more traditional meaning.

I couldn't decide on color for it so here is the alternate.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ8
1/30s f/2.8 at 7.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Lee Rudd14-Jul-2013 01:36
bursting out :)
J 05-Sep-2009 03:45
Had to look closely. Wife's bodice, not wife's body. Confused me some. Great pic.
Malcolm Smith19-Jan-2008 15:56
Great interpretation.
mojoflowerchick19-Jan-2008 14:32
lovin this..
Sam Stevenson19-Jan-2008 00:46
Very impressive concept and execution! :-)
carolynne_w19-Jan-2008 00:41
J. Scott Coile19-Jan-2008 00:22
Oh my. I really like this take :-)
Guest 18-Jan-2008 02:42
The eyes have it or the dam bursts, a great slant.
Stephen Ware18-Jan-2008 01:04
Great interpretation and well executed and a pleasure to the eyes.
The Third Side18-Jan-2008 00:44
Yes, the eyes have them, . . . I mean, it.
beverley harrison17-Jan-2008 22:00
ooooh lala...thats some eye!!
Antonio Ruggiero17-Jan-2008 21:55
Ottima photo....Bravo....
Stewart Mitchell17-Jan-2008 21:00
Great fun the different thinking, oh and the colour one wins imho :-)
virginiacoastline17-Jan-2008 17:50
I like the B&W version better
and I LOVE the pun =)))
Carole Stevens17-Jan-2008 16:43
Very original fun idea, youl get some pulses racing now!
Dick Lowthian17-Jan-2008 15:18
You may be the only one to think of this interpretation. Well done.
Jola Dziubinska17-Jan-2008 15:05
Clever and "eye" popping shot :)
Guest 17-Jan-2008 11:39
Creative entry and interpretation!
laine8217-Jan-2008 08:58
A good interpretation
Heidi Jonker17-Jan-2008 08:28
Creative interpretation. I like the b&w .
Barbara Heide17-Jan-2008 08:06
fun interpretation, very nice shot!
Ann...17-Jan-2008 07:56
Excellent interpretation - I like the B&W one very much.
Guest 17-Jan-2008 05:22
This is lovely. Great color. I like the B&W, too- but I like the softness of this one better.
Laura Sebastianelli17-Jan-2008 04:17
Good for you! Love the way each of us thinks so differently and playfully!
Dan Chusid17-Jan-2008 04:17
Peeking through my fingers.
royalld17-Jan-2008 04:12
My eyes are drying out due to failure to blink.
Patricia Lay-Dorsey17-Jan-2008 03:58
Too COOL...literally!!!
Chad Ramsey17-Jan-2008 03:44
ah...ah...ah... I'm already in trouble just for looking at this! ;-)
Cindi Smith17-Jan-2008 03:34
I meant bad boys....knew the guys would love this shot!
Cindi Smith17-Jan-2008 03:33
Bad boy!
Barry S Moore17-Jan-2008 03:25
My eyes are wide open and my wife has told me to stop starring.
Michael Shpuntov17-Jan-2008 03:17
Oh yeah.... My eyes sure there... :-) Good idea for entry
Scott Browne17-Jan-2008 03:16
Nice! But would you tell your breasts to stop staring at my eyes? *grin*
mathilda williams17-Jan-2008 03:12
got us hooked with your eye interpretation!
Nancy Lobaugh17-Jan-2008 03:09
Both work! Good shot!
carol j. phipps17-Jan-2008 02:25
"eye" popping!
Russ Rose17-Jan-2008 01:57
Enjoyed the thought. lol and a good photo.
Guest 17-Jan-2008 01:36
Works well in both B&W as well as color. Jv
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