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Chocolate and Martinis

My first Friday Self Portrait Challenge attempt. I had this great idea and it totally failed, so this is my second plan! Thanks for letting me play.

FujiFilm FinePix A345 Zoom
1/2s f/2.8 at 5.8mm iso119 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 19-Feb-2009 17:51
This is very cute - Krys
Sheila06-Mar-2008 05:06
Fantastic SP!
Guest 29-Dec-2007 00:08
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!
dane15-Dec-2007 21:47
outstanding entry! V
Ann...15-Dec-2007 20:16
Don't agree with you - it's a great shot - well done you!
beverley harrison15-Dec-2007 17:18
ohhh this is fabulous!! well done you..pour me a glass too please?
Cindi Smith15-Dec-2007 15:06
This is simply gorgeous! I am glad you played! And, I see you are from Texas too! So am I!! This deserves a vote!
Scott Browne15-Dec-2007 07:55
I agree, both are good shots. Love the focus on you here, the soft focus behind, and the background lights on this one.
Guest 15-Dec-2007 03:35
This is gorgeous. I like both shots- they are good. This looks like it should be a print ad somewhere.
Winter2715-Dec-2007 03:24
Um.... I happen to think this is heavenly!!! And making me damn thirsty!
Guest 15-Dec-2007 02:57
Both images look good, no failures here. I like the concept of the first shot, might work on your depth of field for a better focus. Don't quit. Jv
Linnea 15-Dec-2007 02:40
I love your eyelashes in this shot!
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