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Food View

Food, table settings and the plating of food are all art forms. As food is central to our culture and lives it is something that should be enjoyed in smell, taste and vision. Here is my view of food.
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Apple, limes and cranberries... oh my
Apple, limes and cranberries... oh my
The Jam on the Toast.
The Jam on the Toast.
Tasty Tart
Tasty Tart
Salts of the Earth
Salts of the Earth
Ahi Tuna
Ahi Tuna
Sushi toppings
Sushi toppings
Amy Cakes
Amy Cakes
Paper and Plenty
Paper and Plenty
Creme and Strawberries
Creme and Strawberries
Great Wall of Cheese
Great Wall of Cheese
Tuna and Banana Salad
Tuna and Banana Salad
Tuna Wontons
Tuna Wontons
Rich Green Taste
Rich Green Taste
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