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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ireland > Kinvarra
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1/30s f/22.0 at 20.0mm iso200 full exif

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Terry Bowker25-Oct-2012 04:02
Love it!
Guest 27-Apr-2012 17:39
Love this!
Gary Hudes25-Mar-2012 22:40
Dramatic image, exceptionally well done. V
Johnny JAG30-Jan-2012 17:58
Wonderful moody sky.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography30-Jan-2012 17:53
Excellent capture, works great in b&w, Voted.
Guest 30-Jan-2012 15:23
Beautiful Bartosz, love how the cloud formations echo the land, tones and textures are lovely BV
Guest 30-Jan-2012 11:17
fabulous image.
Jean-Rene A30-Jan-2012 10:47
Very powerful B&W landscape !
Marcia Rules30-Jan-2012 00:40
the sky is awesome here!!! Great work..V
Patricia Kay29-Jan-2012 22:24
A fabulous mono scee Bartosz...BV
Hank Vander Velde29-Jan-2012 22:05
Nice B&W image under an ominous sky Bartosz.
marie-jose wolff29-Jan-2012 21:59
wonderful landscape with such a dramatic sky! V
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad29-Jan-2012 21:46
Excellent work! Voted
H. P. Henriksen Starman29-Jan-2012 20:19
fantastic B and W rendering. The very dramatic sky underlines the gloomy ruin. v
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak29-Jan-2012 20:15
Magnificent image! ~V~
Greet van der Meulen29-Jan-2012 19:56
I like this picture in black and white a lot! Very nice landscape, composition and beautiful sky! V
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