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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ireland > Barna
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3s f/16.0 at 12.0mm iso100 full exif

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January Grey10-Apr-2011 07:14
A dreamy image! Lovely light & colors! V~
Aivar Mikko08-Apr-2011 16:57
Wonderful composition, light, exposure!
Carol Rollins08-Apr-2011 14:22
Absolutely beautiful. Wonderful composition, colors and light. ~
Chris Spracklen04-Apr-2011 21:45
Yep! "Stunning" is the word!
Brilliant shot. (V)
Tony Griffen31-Mar-2011 21:21
Very nice work.
Lieve Snellings31-Mar-2011 01:11
love those colors Bartosz ! V
shatterbug28-Mar-2011 07:44
Wonderful long the textures in the decayed wood, and the light and colors in the bg are marvelous!
James O. Harle27-Mar-2011 15:19
James O. Harle27-Mar-2011 15:19
CM Kwan27-Mar-2011 12:18
This is a masterpiece! V
Patricia Kay27-Mar-2011 02:19
Superb image Bartosz...wonderful light and colors...BV
Jay Levin26-Mar-2011 22:07
A stunning landscape shot taken at sunset. The colors are awesome.
Giancarlo Guzzardi26-Mar-2011 20:39
excellent image
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)26-Mar-2011 17:31
Great softness and blend of colour…BV!
Guest 26-Mar-2011 16:40
Very nice shot, love the comp, and colors.
Marcia Rules26-Mar-2011 15:19
I could reach out and touch the beauty! Great work...V+
Walter Otto Koenig26-Mar-2011 15:13
Great shot with this these colors. A strong composition. "V"
Ali Majdfar26-Mar-2011 14:54
Marvelous! ~V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography26-Mar-2011 12:27
Stunning work, Vote.
David Lewins26-Mar-2011 12:24
Superb mood, light and exposure, excellent image. +V
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak26-Mar-2011 12:22
Jola Dziubinska26-Mar-2011 11:08
Excellent pov, light and textures, superb composition. V.
zyziza26-Mar-2011 10:33
Fantastic colors and compo!
Guest 26-Mar-2011 01:08
Fantastic, love the soft gradations and composition! _V_
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad26-Mar-2011 01:06
Wonderful light, colour and compo! V
Jim Coffman26-Mar-2011 00:20
Oh my,do I love this!! Stunning image. BV
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