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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ireland > Menlo Boat 2
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Menlo Boat 2

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GP Merfeld17-Jun-2014 02:54
So beautifully composed, captured and rendered. Very fine work!
Guest 27-Jun-2011 22:46
Terrific image, compostion, details and light spot on.
Nora van Beek08-Apr-2011 01:03
Amazing capture with that beautiful golden light! ~BV~
Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE318-Mar-2011 20:28
A stunning shot. Voted!
Aaron Keigher26-Dec-2010 22:28
Superb color. I love how the boat glows.
Johnny JAG20-Jun-2010 20:43
Beautifully done.
Silvia Roitman20-Jun-2010 15:17
Randy Adams20-Jun-2010 11:29
Love these shots Bartosz! V
Wenche Aune20-Jun-2010 07:19
Beautiful comosition and colors. V
Guest 20-Jun-2010 02:23
Simply beautiful, Bartosz. V
Guest 20-Jun-2010 02:23
Simply beautiful, Bartosz. V
shatterbug19-Jun-2010 20:59
Terrific perspective, composition, and light!
bill friedlander19-Jun-2010 20:20
Superb composition, excellent details and light. V
zyziza19-Jun-2010 08:51
Excellent shot! V
Máire Uí Mhaicín19-Jun-2010 08:30
A golden moment in Menlo,
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)19-Jun-2010 03:34
Great use of the lighting...V!
Hank Vander Velde19-Jun-2010 02:01
Beautifully composed image Bartosz.
Milan Vogrin18-Jun-2010 23:26
Very nice!
laine18-Jun-2010 22:40
Fabulous detail & beautifully composed.
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