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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ireland > Clydagh, Headford, Co galway
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Clydagh, Headford, Co galway

1/3s f/13.0 at 12.0mm iso100 full exif

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Jean D09-Jul-2011 01:41
Fantastic scene with a wonderful splash of colour, throughout, Bartosz.
Guest 05-Apr-2011 01:36
You got the crème de la crème of the country here! Vµ
Lamar Nix21-Jun-2010 22:29
Idealized vision of a sunset is very pretty.
Anna & Christian RECK16-Jun-2010 20:46
Really perfect! Congratulations for this stunning picture! BV. Anna
viljamix09-Jun-2010 09:27
Love those colours, details and compo.
Hodero08-Jun-2010 16:32
Jean Chiasson06-Jun-2010 20:23
Wonderful details and colors big vote
NealyBob06-Jun-2010 08:48
What a beautiful tranquil sunset scene! Gorgeous light and colors in the reflection~!V
laine05-Jun-2010 21:48
Ahhhh, perfect!!
Jola Dziubinska05-Jun-2010 20:51
Lovely scenery, fantastic image. V.
Patricia Kay05-Jun-2010 20:07
Absoloutly stunning Bartosz...Fabulous composition,details,colors and magic light...BV
bill friedlander05-Jun-2010 19:03
Beautiful composition with lovely light and colors. Lovely reflections and colors in the water. V
Guest 05-Jun-2010 17:09
Wonderful scene. Outstanding work Bartek, BV!
Nestor Derkach05-Jun-2010 15:55
Outstanding image, all perfect.
Vote 10 ++
David Lewins05-Jun-2010 14:29
An amazing sky and wonderful composition. +V
Guest 05-Jun-2010 13:48
Fantastic capture. BV
CM Kwan05-Jun-2010 11:43
Wow, this is really outstanding! V
marie-jose wolff05-Jun-2010 08:51
Beautiful scene with a gorgeous sky! V
McGarva05-Jun-2010 08:18
Wonderful scene ... great colour of the light ... V
Randy Adams05-Jun-2010 08:13
Beautiful composition Bartosz! Bravo! V
Guest 05-Jun-2010 07:35
so pastoral and beautiful.v
John Reynolds LRPS05-Jun-2010 05:49
Lovely scene with great light.
Guest 05-Jun-2010 05:47
Spectacular work.
Marcela Mejia Photography05-Jun-2010 05:17
Lovely image Bartosz V
Jim Coffman05-Jun-2010 03:03
A stunning image,Bartosz!
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad05-Jun-2010 00:36
Extraordinary and beautiful! V
Hank Vander Velde05-Jun-2010 00:26
Beautiful image bartosz.
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