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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Poland-My Father's Land >> Tatry Tatra Mountains > Dolina Strążyska
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Dolina Strążyska

1/20s f/14.0 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Marisa Livet11-Nov-2011 20:18
Absolutely splendid!
McGarva25-Feb-2010 20:35
Wonderful winter scene!
XiaoBernard9925-Feb-2010 17:52
All in white nuance.Perfect composition with these positions of the houses.V
marie-jose wolff25-Feb-2010 16:46
fine winter scene of the Tartra mountains! V
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad25-Feb-2010 14:56
Excellent detail and a very nice comp.
Randy Adams25-Feb-2010 14:35
Fantastic composition Bartosz! Love the lighting and tones! V
Stephanie25-Feb-2010 12:40
Wonderful snowy scene!!! V
Guest 25-Feb-2010 11:49
Beautiful atmospheric shot with great comp and details!
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak25-Feb-2010 06:48
O... znajome widoki! ;~}}}
lou_rozensteins25-Feb-2010 06:24
Lovely light and details in this composition. Well done.
Marcia Rules24-Feb-2010 23:49
very very wonderful subtle tones...a fine image that should be adored..V+
Hank Vander Velde24-Feb-2010 23:47
Very nice Winter scene well captured Bartosz.
David Lewins24-Feb-2010 23:29
Wonderful use of light and a wonderful scene. +V
Guest 24-Feb-2010 23:01
najseli dan :o) V~!
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