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Barbara Heide | all galleries >> MAIN GALLERY >> Archives 2006-2009 >> Most Populars 2006-2008 > inspired by Beverly Harrison and Thomasz Dziubinski
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06-May-2007 Barbara Heide

inspired by Beverly Harrison and Thomasz Dziubinski

Konica-Minolta DiMAGE Z10
1/320s f/4.8 at 7.4mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Tom Briggs27-Aug-2010 13:43
Stunning photo ... voted
zyziza13-Feb-2009 14:59
nice Tomasz`s close-up, v
settler24-Jun-2008 12:20
It really is!..V!!
carol j. phipps06-Jun-2008 21:01
Stunning! V
Claude Martin11-Feb-2008 21:05
Sehr schön und Gefühlsvoll komponiert!!! Die Rose für die Liebe und der Schuh führ die Erotik... V
Stefan Schmitz30-Nov-2007 19:53
simply great! V
wernere0124-Nov-2007 13:22
Great mix and fine presentation. v
Francisco Figueras23-Nov-2007 13:24
great inspiration!
JW13-Aug-2007 19:08
Superb collage - very creative and uplifting
Jola Dziubinska01-Jul-2007 11:52
Great combination and dreamy effect. Fantastic work, Barbara. V.
Guest 02-Jun-2007 10:59
great treatment
Guest 01-Jun-2007 08:34
Super composition. Bravo. V
Martha Albuquerque18-May-2007 23:07
~my vote~ great work here, Barbara!
12309-May-2007 05:29
Love this insanely satisfying mix. You are a creative little Voted
blizzard08-May-2007 03:30
a work of art more painting then photo
Dan Chusid06-May-2007 22:58
Step softly in there.
Antonio Ruggiero06-May-2007 20:44
Excellent photo....Brava
Cindi Smith06-May-2007 20:07
Great composition! Excellent entry!
Guest 06-May-2007 15:03
love the compo, sunny.
j>a>e>17 :):):)06-May-2007 10:11
fragrant spring shoe of color :):):)
Jan Frode Aase06-May-2007 06:40
Wonderful colours, excellent with its lines and curves. A creative composition. Well done. V
Paco López06-May-2007 06:27
Good compo again!! v!
laine8206-May-2007 05:31
Well done !!!
12306-May-2007 04:38
Awesome! Voted
pr_rajan06-May-2007 04:35
...the colours of fire!
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