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14-DEC-2006 Barbara Heide


Konica-Minolta DiMAGE Z10
1/40s f/3.2 at 6.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Martha Albuquerque20-Feb-2007 22:42
superb! v
Guest 12-Feb-2007 00:53
it becomes a lovely, intense abstraction, barbara
Guest 30-Dec-2006 02:01
Fantastic texture and colours, rust can be so interesting !
Guest 30-Dec-2006 02:01
Fantastic texture and colours, rust can be so interesting !
JW28-Dec-2006 18:16
Thank you for reminding me how coool rust can be! V
Greg Harp26-Dec-2006 05:21
Beautiful color and textures. V
Guest 23-Dec-2006 01:29
Fantastic! Huge V
Guest 23-Dec-2006 00:29
Wow,those colors and textures! V
Guest 22-Dec-2006 23:26
Oh, yummy colors and textures...v
Guest 22-Dec-2006 17:35
Love the treatment,Barbara,striking colours.V.
De'Carr Studio22-Dec-2006 17:16
An excellent abstract, Barbara. Such great texture and contrast. Beautiful. vote
carol j. phipps22-Dec-2006 17:06
Whew! that's a piece of someone's history.
Eric Carrère22-Dec-2006 16:51
Quelle intensité Barbara, V.
Guest 22-Dec-2006 16:44
Très belles couleurs intenses dans cette rouille! J'aime beaucoup la petite partie bleue dans le coin gauche!
fred_il22-Dec-2006 16:09
De la belle rouille!
Une vraie toile de peinture
flowsnow22-Dec-2006 14:29
I love the contrast, colour and most of all it's striking....:D V
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