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Barbara Heide | all galleries >> MAIN GALLERY >> Picture when I can (PAD 2012) >> March 2012 : Monochrome > March 9 : Let the Sunshine in
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09-MAR-2012 Barbara Heide

March 9 : Let the Sunshine in

part of my Gallery: PAD 2012/March Monochrome

Check out other Monochrome Scavenger Hunting Pbasers HERE

March 9 : Let the Sunshine in
March 9 : Let the Sunshine in

Olympus E-PL1
1/250s f/9.0 at 42.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Paul L-R30-Mar-2012 16:01
Very subtle and very effective V
Jola Dziubinska17-Mar-2012 01:14
Fantastic shapes and light. V.
Mairéad11-Mar-2012 21:54
Super work. V
Cindi Smith11-Mar-2012 03:12
This is excellent! Wow! V
Frank Brault10-Mar-2012 21:53
Love the rays of light. V
Chris10-Mar-2012 21:12
Striking image, brilliant.
Apostolos Tikopoulos10-Mar-2012 21:09
Very nice and creative. V.
Guest 10-Mar-2012 20:42
Beautiful Barbara, lovely rays!!
William Barletta10-Mar-2012 16:29
Such an elegant image with a haunting beauty ~V~
Yvonne10-Mar-2012 11:32
Lovely to see the sunbeams, a magnificent contrast!
wernere0110-Mar-2012 11:21
Is that the sun coming out after the rain? There´s a fine mood because of the dark touch. v
Stephanie10-Mar-2012 10:14
A mysterious beauty! Love the glimpse of light! V :)
Ann...10-Mar-2012 09:17
I love that window catch. Fabulous light.
John Hamers10-Mar-2012 09:04
Great use of light !! very nicely captured !! V
Mieke WA Minkjan10-Mar-2012 07:18
LynnH10-Mar-2012 02:53
Love those sun beams!! Very clever composition too. V
carol j. phipps10-Mar-2012 02:40
Stunning light! Pleasing forms.
Dallas Hyatt10-Mar-2012 01:45
Brilliant! Bravo!
Jeff Real10-Mar-2012 01:16
Light and details that come together in a stunning fashion ~V~
Roe..10-Mar-2012 00:20
oooh this is soooo good!
Guest 10-Mar-2012 00:17
Oh I like this.....Excellent shot! Beautiful sun rays and composition .
Brenda09-Mar-2012 23:44
Love it! V
Sheila09-Mar-2012 22:36
Oh well done! Love that perfect flare.
marie-jose wolff09-Mar-2012 21:57
c'est merveilleux! V
Guest 09-Mar-2012 21:56
born in a sun... bathing in it now! V
Guest 09-Mar-2012 21:44
Love the sun beams.
Laryl09-Mar-2012 21:39
excellent! love that handle
laine09-Mar-2012 21:23
i do like this small amount of window and what's beyond it.
fotabug09-Mar-2012 20:41
Well done!
rick bolt09-Mar-2012 20:24
intriguing shot. beautiful. v
J. Scott Coile09-Mar-2012 20:06
Exceptional light.
Bob White09-Mar-2012 18:39
Excellent work love those Sun beams ,,,v
rousselziak09-Mar-2012 18:32
Excellent ! -V-
zyziza09-Mar-2012 18:26
Amazing work!!! BV
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