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Barbara Heide | all galleries >> MAIN GALLERY >> Faces in Paris > Happy tourists...
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17-OCT-2010 Barbara Heide

Happy tourists...

Paris, Louvre

Canon EOS 50D
1/125s f/5.6 at 85.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Joe Vigliotta08-Dec-2010 01:39
Love the Moment. Do they have a copy. What memories.
Ann...05-Nov-2010 06:30
What a happy bunch!!
Cindi Smith05-Nov-2010 04:49
I could see this in a fashion magazine, btw!
Cindi Smith05-Nov-2010 04:49
This made me smile! I love your image. What fun and it is one of those grab ya and make ya smile images! :)
Breland05-Nov-2010 02:52
Excellent candid!
Ray :)05-Nov-2010 01:34
being a tourist can be fun ;-)
Guest 05-Nov-2010 01:22
This beautiful girls are having a great time, and you have captured it so well Barbara!! A great photo!! V
Frank Brault05-Nov-2010 00:29
It makes me joyful to look at this photo. They all look so happy! A fantastic moment. I see hints of Henri Cartier-Bresson here. Bravo.
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