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eBay Balisong Humor

This is a tribute to the ridiculous eBay listings that pop up from time to time. We are not known for grammar. We have seen everything from "speed holes" in the handles to knives that double as trainers because they are single edged! Double your money!! We have seen real fake damascus (this is the REAL fake damascus, not the laminate kind!) to "handle bars" (the latch). If you want a crappy balisong for 1 penny and $30 shipping, this is the place. All of your Base are belong to us!!
u48/balisong/medium/37143838.baihumor.jpg u5/balisong/upload/37145061.humor2complete.jpg Actual listing quotes
:: Actual listing quotes ::
All of Your Base Are belong to Us!!
All of Your Base Are belong to Us!!
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Funny funny
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Tycoon Tanto, LOL!
:: "Tycoon Tanto," LOL! ::
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