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 Deciduous (A)... |  Deciduous (B)... |  Deciduous (C)... |  Deciduous (D - E)... |  Deciduous (F)... |  Deciduous (G)... |  Deciduous (H - I)... |  Deciduous (J)... |  Deciduous (K)... |  Deciduous (L)... |  Deciduous (M)... |  Deciduous (N - O)... |  Deciduous (P)... |  Deciduous (Q - R)... |  Deciduous (S)... |  Deciduous (T)... |  Deciduous (U - W)... |  Deciduous (X - Z)...

 Deciduous (D - E)...

'Dancing Rabbit'
'Dancing Rabbit'
'Dawn's Chorus'
'Dawn's Chorus'
'Decidedly Pink'
'Decidedly Pink'
 'Deni's Delight'...
 'Deni's Delight'...
Denmark Bluffs *
"Denmark Bluffs" *
'Dinie Metselaar'
'Dinie Metselaar'
'Doctor Jacobi'
'Doctor Jacobi'
'Doctor M. Oosthoek'
'Doctor M. Oosthoek'
'Doctor M. Oosthoek'
'Doctor M. Oosthoek'
'Doctor Reichenbach'
'Doctor Reichenbach'
'Doctor Reichenbach'
'Doctor Reichenbach'
Don's Fuchsia
"Don's Fuchsia"
 'Don's Variegated Austrinum'...
 'Don's Variegated Austrinum'...
Don's Yellow #2
"Don's Yellow #2"
'Dorothy Corston'
'Dorothy Corston'
'Double Damask'
'Double Damask'
'Double Delight'
'Double Delight'
'Double Pleasure'
'Double Pleasure'
'Double Yellow'
'Double Yellow'
'Duchess of Portland'
'Duchess of Portland'
'Earl's Angel'
'Earl's Angel'
'Earl's Gold'
'Earl's Gold'
'Earl's Gold'
'Earl's Gold'
  eastmanii ...
  eastmanii ...
'Ed Egan'
'Ed Egan'
'Edith Marie'
'Edith Marie'
'Ed Stephens'
'Ed Stephens'
'Ed's Late'
'Ed's Late'
'Elizabeth Lane'
'Elizabeth Lane'
'Emma Sansom'
'Emma Sansom'
'Evening Glow'
'Evening Glow'
'Evening Glow'
'Evening Glow'
'Evening Sunset'
'Evening Sunset'
'Excuisita' ?
'Excuisita' ?