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Tom Sherry | all galleries >> Places >> Vermont > Follow the Sun
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Follow the Sun

Sandy heads west over frozen Lake Champlain

Canon EOS 350D
1/250s f/10.0 at 70.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Terry Bowker02-Nov-2015 03:56
Great shot!
Ken Zaret01-Nov-2015 22:42
Excellent shot
Thierry Lucas11-Dec-2008 20:18
Excellent capture. V
Phyllis Stewart01-Nov-2008 06:00
Just PERRRRFECT! One of the best photos I've seen in a long time anywhere! V V Vote V V
Milan Vogrin25-Oct-2008 14:05
Great photo!V!
Ramiek15-Oct-2008 20:11
this is a beautiful photo!
GeneWard10-Oct-2008 03:43
a fine image. V.
Jeroen Bosman15-Jun-2008 20:27
congrats, beautiful work!
Guest 15-Jun-2008 11:00
congratulations!!! winner of the 87th show and tell.
you capture the essence here. great composition and use of light temptratures...
Guest 14-Jun-2008 06:28
Gorgeous capture!
Guest 10-Jun-2008 11:32
beautiful shot! the composition and texture are super.V!
Yi Feng25-Feb-2008 03:11
Terrific shot! V
Robert Charity25-Feb-2008 01:22
very nice - walking to the sun, v