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Peter Wolledge | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Indian Himalayas tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Indian Himalayas | In Box | Laos. 3 Galleries | Cambodia. 6 Galleries | Thailand | Palawan | India | Nepal | England | Yunnan | Myanmar. 7 Galleries | Vietnam | Vignettes of Delhi | Sumatra | Close up / Macro | Snake eats frog | Snaps from boring hotel balconies | Lotus Leaves | Orang Utans, Sumatra | Sukhothai, Thailand | Black and white images from India and Nepal 1976-1978

Indian Himalayas

Most of these pictures have been taken since 1985, visiting and trekking for a few weeks/months every year. I love ladakh and its rich Tibetan Buddhist culture and the open warmth of the people. For the photographer the deep, deep blue skies and the wonderful quality of light and shadow present opportunities rarely found.
Himachal Pradesh
:: Himachal Pradesh ::
:: Ladakh ::
:: Leh ::
:: Rupshu ::
Pangong Tso
:: Pangong Tso ::
Monks and Monasteries of Ladakh
:: Monks and Monasteries of Ladakh ::
Ladakh Flash Floods
:: Ladakh Flash Floods ::
Zanskar / Ladakh trek 2007
:: Zanskar / Ladakh trek 2007 ::
Ladakh 2011
:: Ladakh 2011 ::
Ladakh in the Winter
:: Ladakh in the Winter ::
Ranghri in Winter
:: Ranghri in Winter ::
Manali Leh Road
:: Manali Leh Road ::
After Kullu Dussehra
:: After Kullu Dussehra ::
A Hidden Lake and valley in Ladakh
:: A Hidden Lake and valley in Ladakh ::