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Guest 14-Jun-2007 04:20
Your stuff here makes me want to go out and take some pictures right now.
Guest 02-Jun-2007 13:32
Glyn Curtis23-Apr-2007 23:11
Got some really cool images in some very interesting galleries.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 07:17
I'm going to model some of my work after you in the soon as I get a new camera.
James S 08-Jun-2006 21:32
Pretty cool pictures. I especially like the Chicago ones. I'll send you some of my shots when I figure out the photo software and new camera a little better. If you send me your email address other than the work one, I will send my pictures there.
jypsee28-Jan-2006 19:05
Tim, you're sure welcome regarding the clarification of where you were photographing in Chicago. I love to photograph the windy city.
thanks again,
Mary in Florida
victor valle22-Jan-2006 03:09
Hi Tim,
Great images. Beautiful colors and saturation. Just be careful leaving the original files on pbase. There has been people "right-click, save" then sell others copyrighted images. If you don't know how to delete them, let me know. Take care. By the way, thanks for the visit and nice comments.
Photodelles20-Jan-2006 22:22
Thank you for your comment. Stephane
Karen Moen09-Jan-2006 05:33
Thank you for visiting my gallery and your nice comment.